Maziacs / Bugziacs Conversion for QL

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Re: Maziacs / Bugziacs Conversion for QL

Post by spkr »

I can haz minimap!
Screenshot 2021-05-22 at 00.37.14.png
Things to do:
- make use of basic menu
x port minimap/overlay map
- make the game replayable, rather than crashing on game end
- [optional] add sound effects (havent figured or tried this out at all yet)
- make it fit in 86000 bytes

I think the vdrive is arriving tomorrow; so thats a good incentive for fixing the last item on the list :P

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Re: Maziacs / Bugziacs Conversion for QL

Post by RWAP »

I am excited to see this and glad to see you are making good progress.

Mazogs (on the ZX81) was always one of my favourite games to play!

Brittle Membrane
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Re: Maziacs / Bugziacs Conversion for QL

Post by spkr »

Awesome, did a little debugging and other stuff, and made some good progress.

I think Im not too far away from getting a first playable release out sometime soonish.

So far I made the game replayable, both on win and lose conditions, and I added an operational random generator, such that everytime the game is loaded and/or replayed, there is a differnent seed used, and thus a random game is generated. Most of the game menu is implemented, of what was supported by the port. The only thing not yet implemeted is the <ANY> key, and thus one can not yet return from the information pages back to the main game menu :P

x make use of basic menu
x port minimap/overlay map
x make the game replayable, rather than crashing on game end
- [optional] add sound effects (I think this will be only added to the final version, or when I can be arsed to look into the sound system)
- make it fit in 86000 bytes

VDrive hasnt arrived yet, but my next step will be to make it fit in 86000 bytes. This will be a tradeoff between tile size and drawing speed, so the game will probably suffer a tad in performance. Considering its still quite a lot faster that the ZX game, I dont see a problem here.

I may consider a future final release in a few months time from here with a completely updated tileset, which has `more fidelity' than the original tileset, if my gfx-man is willing :)

Brittle Membrane
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Re: Maziacs / Bugziacs Conversion for QL

Post by spkr »

Fitted the game in 86000 bytes (80824 atm). And fixed the majority of the game menu stuff.

Unfortunately I had some regresion and the minimap doesnt show all icons correctly there.

Should be able to wrap up this weekend.

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Re: Maziacs / Bugziacs Conversion for QL

Post by spkr »

Yup. Got the sounds in (more trial and error than actual sound design); have been playtesting last night and this morning, and it seems all is well to be released out in the open.

Redefining keys and selecting difficulty level is not supported. Tough luck :)

I have to do some paper work (making some ascii art and whatnot as .NFO file), and shoul be able to toss this out later today.

Is there a preferred format to release this in, or should a floppy and microdrive image do?

Kind regards,

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Re: Maziacs / Bugziacs Conversion for QL

Post by Cristian »

Floppy image for me :)

Brittle Membrane
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Re: Maziacs / Bugziacs Conversion for QL

Post by spkr »

Hi there guys.

I managed to get the last tidbits sorted out (I think), to get a decent finish on the game. You can download the game from: And as always feedback is appreciated.

I hope you enjoy playing the game, as much as I have enjoyed adapting it. It was fun to get a bit deeper into the Sinclair QL, and its even better to play this ZX Spectrum classic on the QL. I must say many other QL games I tried so far dont match it in quality! (Hope Im not stepping on anyone's toes here).


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Re: Maziacs / Bugziacs Conversion for QL

Post by Chr$ »

Very good. I just tried it on qemulator but it looks like it'll be more fun or the real thing with a joystick.

Excellent work.

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Re: Maziacs / Bugziacs Conversion for QL

Post by greenscreen »

spkr, excellent work thanks! One of my favourite ZX games, along with Mazogs. Just runs a bit fast on the emulators and FPGAs. Is it actually possible to put in an automatic slow down to match the original QL hardware as the game is hard without the normal speed?

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