TESTERS NEEDED! (especially testers with QL network)
What's new:
- can work with network drives
- SMSQ/E compliant - now you can move the window on the desktop
- faster, compiled with Turbo
- rename directories (including all subdirectories)
- move files/ directories/ selected files and directories
- drive info (drive label, total size, free space, block size, sectors/block)
- Net id
- shows total number of files/directories on a drive/directory
- shows number of selected files/directories
- autocalculate the total size of selected files/directories (user can turn off this feature on slow QLs)
- calculate directory size
- calculate selected files/directories size
- less user input needed when copy/delete/move/overwrite - a single ALL or QUIT for the whole process
- updated unzip to newer version
- can zip full directory
- can zip selected list of files and directories
Before first run use QLCconfig_bas to configure the program.
DO NOT use any files from a previous version, as most of them are new/updated!
The executable QLCv227_exe is compiled with line numbers, so if/when it crashes it will show the line number. Please report in detail what you were doing at time of the crash and line number!
(release version will be without line numbers, so it will be 14-15k smaller)
The archve contains 2 viewimage programs. Viewimage is compiled with QLiberator - one version is without RTM the other inclus the RTM. If you don't have the QLIberator Runtime already loaded on your system then rename ViewImageRTM to ViewImage.
The attached zip file is a QL-zip
Please let me know when you download the program , so I'll know who to pester for feedback!

Thank you for your help!