To be accepted by the drivers they need to have some specific length, evenly divisible by the sector length to avoid confusion (and of course with a maximum size - no mdv image with 1000 sectors, please). You should even be able to create them with a simple S*Basic program. Once created and installed with the image drivers, they need to be formatted just like a real device.
I can't remember how to create a QLAY.MDV file in the emulator itself - it's a long time I had a copy set up to use.
The QLAYT program (one of the tools accessories) could create a .MDV image. I vaguely remember it was via a command line switch and you had to make a text file with a list of files to be made into a .MDV file. The QLAYT.MAN file will most likely explain exactly how. I'm guessing from memory with the following so I might be wrong:
QLAYT -C listname.txt
I think the '-C' stood for CREATE (but please read QLAYT's manual in case I'm wrong). By default, it will create a file called QLAY.MDV although there is another option to change the .MDV name used. Also, I can't remember where it places the file, maybe in the same folder as the list file?
Sorry I couldn't be more specific, this is all from memory from when I last used it a few years ago. At least you'll know where to look for the info now, I hope.
Well, there is always the MAKE_MDI command from the MDI driver. Creates a working, empty image with a single command. Sometimes it's really useful to read the manual.
Last edited by tofro on Thu Dec 12, 2024 11:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.