dilwyn wrote: Thu Oct 26, 2023 7:28 pm
A couple of things we have learned, some of which Peter will document in future versions of the manual:
Thank you for all tests and this update. The new manual is already uploaded. Not so detailed and Hermes not covered at all, but hope it is sufficient. I try to keep the overall manual lenght short enough to be actually read by most users.
Glad we could resolve everything and hope you will have fun with your new QIMSI from now on.
Hello, I already have my qimsi at home, a fantastic invention, thank you very much, working with a tetroid tdi and fighting with the different mice I have, which do not work for me, I will have to buy one of the ones you mention.
best regard
Peter wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 1:14 pm
QIMSI inside professionally printed case:
In addition to protecting the board and looking nice, the case reduces the risk to damage the small connectors.
Really nice!!!
Can you please tell how to buy one or share the stl files for self printing?
I was looking at those ROMDisQ cases on ebay and wondering if the Qimsi would sit in one of those - but this purpose built 3d case looks the perfect solution
Nice work. Are the STL files or ready printed cases going to be made available?
Miguel angel rojo wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 1:23 pm
Hello, I already have my qimsi at home, a fantastic invention, thank you very much, working with a tetroid tdi and fighting with the different mice I have, which do not work for me, I will have to buy one of the ones you mention.
Glad you like it. I have tested another working mouse that can be bought new. We still have to manange a list.
napsternds wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 3:44 pm
Can you please tell how to buy one or share the stl files for self printing?
I had mine printed with a socalled "SLA" printer using black resin at fdm-druckservice.de for 7,32 € plus postage.
Pr0f wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 4:20 pm
Nice work. Are the STL files or ready printed cases going to be made available?