QL Network Protocol(s)

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Re: QL Network Protocol(s)

Post by Peter »

jll745562 wrote:Peter, Glad you like it, but I not sure it's worthy of some kind of 'announcement' - I'm sure people looking for such a solution will find it via this thread.
Hi Jason,

it was pure luck that I saw it. Looking two weeks later, I'd have missed it.
Also I wouldn't have searched for it, unless I was aware already.
After you collected some feedback, and are satisfied with your project, wouldn't it be worth appearing on Dilwyn's site?

I think this project is, beyond the data storage feature, a nice example for networked QL periperals in general.
Others were often struggling with the terrible QL SER ports to add a peripheral - while network can be a fine alternative.

We just need to keep in mind the higher latency than SER. If very litte data needs to be transferred, but a short delay is needed, SER is still the better option.


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