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Post by simon629 »

ON QLECFG in the Desktops bit what i has got 0-1s what do I set it on if I just want QDT OK thanks Simon Foster

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Post by Derek_Stewart »

Hi Simon,

The Desktops part of QLE_CFG selects the desktop environment

1: Select
0: Deslect

So for QDT only try: 00000010

This will only load QDT, but there are a couple appilcations loaded as well as QDT.

It looks a little complicated.

Try Black Phoenix.


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Post by QLvsJAGUAR »

Thanks Derek for explaining.
Derek_Stewart wrote: It looks a little complicated.
I call it a simple 1-2-3-4-5.

1 - once you've started QL/E, press <ESC> during the countdown,
2 - enter IDE followed by the <ENTER> key, this sets up larger windows for better reading,
3 - enter QLECFG followed by the <ENTER> key,
4 - change the relevant config items of the QL/E configuration, save it, then
5 - reboot QL/E and you're done.

For steps 3 and 4 I've attached a screenshot.

For step 5 I've attached a screenshot in the related thread.

QL forever!

P.S. I think about making QLECFG even more verbose for the next release.

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Post by Derek_Stewart »

Hi Urs,

I tried to follow your instructions and found I had an out of date version of QLE, I have downloaded a the current version.

I have another question, when I run QPC2 on my laptop at maximum resolution: 1920x180 and loading all the QLE applictions, I get this desktop:
Screenshot from 2017-01-15 10-34-12.png
Is there any way to make the QTOP items locate at the bottom of the screen at any resolution.


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Post by QLvsJAGUAR »

Derek_Stewart wrote:I tried to follow your instructions and found I had an out of date version of QLE, I have downloaded a the current version.
It's always good to use the latest version. ;-)
Derek_Stewart wrote:I have another question, when I run QPC2 on my laptop at maximum resolution: 1920x180 and loading all the QLE applictions, I get this desktop:
Looks good.
Derek_Stewart wrote:Is there any way to make the QTOP items locate at the bottom of the screen at any resolution.
The analogue clock is self-positioning on the bottom right corner of the screen using this statement in the BOOT program:

Code: Select all

12063 IF SCR_XLIM>512 : IF QLE_desktops$(cDT1_QTop1%)="1" : IF FREE_MEM>QLE_freememquota : EX TCLOCKS;"con_146x107a"&(SCR_XLIM-146)&"x"&(SCR_YLIM-107)&"\ROLEX" : REMark QTop-Clock by UK (Rolex-style fingers mode), bottom right 
For the QTop buttons, they also self-position themselves, but not based on code in the BOOT program, but using code within QTop-Desk. Base is the configured and saved button position of QTop-Desk (saved in app_qtop_tdesk_opt) which in the current release is assuming the screen resolution is max. 768 pixels high. To auto-position at the bottom left corner of the screen at higher screen resolutions, you need to change this configuration once. This is another simple 1-2-3-4-5:
1 - Wake the TDESK button, best using pressing the <ALT>+<t> key combination
2 - Press the <F9> key to enter re-position mode
3 - Move the button window to the desired position, then press the <ENTER> key
4 - Open QTop-Desk, best using pressing the <ENTER> key on the active TDESK button
5 - Once QTop-Desk is ready for input, enter the OPTIONS menu and invoke the SAVE OPTS menu entry

The next reboot will use the new QTop-DESK (TDESK) button position as base for all QTop buttons.

Enjoy exploring QL/E.

QL forever!

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An Update to my QCECFG Post

Post by simon629 »

Here are two screen shots one of the Desktop and one of the QLECFG that what I have done OK Thanks Simon Foster
Screen Shot 2017-01-15 at 14.29.35.png
Screen Shot 2017-01-15 at 14.27.26.png

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Post by vanpeebles »

Merged topics to keep everything contained in the same topic, rather than start a new one :)

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