RWAP Software 30th Anniversary - Week 4 Competition

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Re: RWAP Software 30th Anniversary - Week 4 Competition

Post by Andrea.C »

georgeo wrote:Hi everyone,

I was the lucky winner of the final 30th Anniversary competition. However, I didn't think I could do justice to nine collections of QL games, so I asked Rich if we could spread the prize a little, to provide some early Christmas cheer. I picked three games collections with a mix of different games that I think I'll have time to play. Then I asked Rich to draw another six names from the 'competition hat': The idea is that they will each receive one of the remaining collections.

Happy gaming!

Thak you Georgeo, and Merry Christmas

PM for Rich is arriving


Andrea from Italy :ugeek:
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Re: RWAP Software 30th Anniversary - Week 4 Competition

Post by NormanDunbar »

Hi Georgeo,

You sir, are a gentleman. In an era of greed and "me me me me", you have restored my faith in humanity! At least, the QL ones!

Best wishes.


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