Solved: QPC2/SMSQ: Isn'nt there no more EDIT command?

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Solved: QPC2/SMSQ: Isn'nt there no more EDIT command?

Post by ql_freak »

Is there no EDIT command in SBASIC which allows (as on an original QL) to edit a line in channel #0 of the SuperBASIC Interpreter.

If I enter EDIT or EDIT linenumber, the TK2-Screen-Editor is started.

How can I edit a line in channel #0, so that I can make a command from a S(uper)BASIC line?

I have a command in my boot file (open#3,'CON_512x256a50x308') to edit my boot file in a large window. But when my boot file fails, this statement will not be executed. On a normal QL I would use EDIT line_number_of_the_open_statement and then (the statement is editable in channel#0 of SuperBASIC) delete the line number and can execute it as a command.

I found no way, to do this in SMSQ on QPC2.

I have found the trick:

EDIT line_number

then press F10
and afterwards ESC to leave the TK2-Screen Editor
The line is stuffed into the Hotkey Stuffer buffer without the line number ;-))) and you simply can press the normal:


to stuff it into channel#0 :-)
Last edited by ql_freak on Tue Nov 22, 2016 12:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
GERMAN! QL-Download page also available in English: GETLINE$() function, UNIX-like "ls" command, improved DIY-Toolkit function EDLINE$ - All with source. AND a good Python 3 Tutorial (German) for Win/UNIX :-)
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Re: QPC2/SMSQ: Isn'nt there no more EDIT command?

Post by mk79 »

F10 within the ED editor copies the current line into the hotkey buffer. You can then paste it into #0 by using Alt+Enter.

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Re: Solved: QPC2/SMSQ: Isn'nt there no more EDIT command?

Post by ql_freak »

Hello mk97,

I was too late ;-) But thank you.

Really a great forum!
GERMAN! QL-Download page also available in English: GETLINE$() function, UNIX-like "ls" command, improved DIY-Toolkit function EDLINE$ - All with source. AND a good Python 3 Tutorial (German) for Win/UNIX :-)
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Re: Solved: QPC2/SMSQ: Isn'nt there no more EDIT command?

Post by RWAP »

There are plenty of useful hints and tips on the ED command in the SBASIC/SuperBASIC Reference Manual

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