QL is 30 - The official website

A collection of QL services and websites.
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QL is 30 - The official website

Post by QLvsJAGUAR »

http://www.qlis30.org.uk is the official website for the 30th anniversary of the Sinclair QL Professional Computer. This website hosts or links to any anniversary activities and will grow over the next few months so bookmark it and keep on visiting frequently.

Share it with friends; post it on social media and your other communication channel.

The QL is worth remembering. QL forever!

QL forever!
https://www.sinclairql.net/ - Go and get THE DISTRIBUTION & QL/E!
https://www.youtube.com/QLvsJAGUAR/community - Blog
https://www.youtube.com/QLvsJAGUAR - Dedicated QL videos
Sinclair, QL, ATARI, JAGUAR, NUON, APPLE, NeXT, MiST & much more...
Videos, pictures & information
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