Code: Select all
t$='1234 ':print '"';rstrip$(t$);'"','"';t$;'"'
Code: Select all
ERT HOT_KEY('y', "t$='1234 ':print '"&'"'&"';rstrip$(t$);'"&'"'&"','"&'"'&"';"&"t$;'"&'"'&"'")
At line 20592: fatal error in SBASIC interpreter
Line 20592 (to) is:
Code: Select all
20592 DEFine FuNction hps_openOver%(c%,fnam$):REMark Opens device for writing
... (comments removed)
20608 IF DEVICE_STATUS(0,fnam$)>=0:DELETE fnam$
20612 IF DEVICE_STATUS(1,DATAD$&fnam$)>=0:RETurn -15:REMark A fully qualified
20616 REMark filename must be passed to this function!
20620 RETurn FOP_NEW(#c%,fnam$)
20624 END DEFine :REMark hps_openOver()
I have tested all versions on UQLX with a Minerva 1.98 MultiBASIC job and all versions run successfully.