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PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 5:23 pm
by Andrew
I started to learn some PE programming using EasyPtr.
I want to have a menu created with Mawdraw that uses a different font and char size (a fat font). Well, it was wasy to use a different fon - but how on earth do I use a different char size?
Code: Select all
1550 OPEN #mainch%,'con_'
1590 MDRAW #mainch%,'win1_mymenu_men', 50, 25
1610 menu = MWDEF(#mainch%)
1620 CHAR_USE#mainch%,CrtAddr,0:CSIZE#mainch%,1,0
1840 MAWCLEAR #menu, 1
1850 MAWDRAW #menu, 1, c$, 0, 0,0,14,10,0,0
The CSiZE in line 1620 does nothing - MAWRAW resets the char size to 0,0
How can I have only the menu rendered by MAWDRAW in CSIZE 1,0, while having all other menu windows and items still in csize 0,0?
Re: PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 6:03 pm
by tofro
The answer is simple: You can't (at least not easily). The only item that can have CSIZEs different from 0,0 is an info window.
You can open a window on top of any PE menu item with MWINDOW, then draw into it however you like - The change is however only temporary.
Re: PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 6:34 pm
by pjw
tofro wrote:The answer is simple: You can't (at least not easily). The only item that can have CSIZEs different from 0,0 is an info window.<>
I think you may find that things have changed a bit since last you looked. You
can now use different csizes with Application sub Windows. Or perhaps thats what you meant by "not easily": It cant be done with EasyMenu; youd have to poke the values into the Menu Definition or the Working Definition.
Andrew, get the latest Qptr manual from Wolfgang Lenerz' site. The information you need is there (but it wont tell you how to do it!)
Sorry, dont have the time now to answer more comprehensively. Ive never used this myself either, so dont have any routines to share..
Re: PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 6:50 pm
by Andrew
pjw wrote:tofro wrote:TAndrew, get the latest Qptr manual from Wolfgang Lenerz' site. The information you need is there (but it wont tell you how to do it!)
Sorry, dont have the time now to answer more comprehensively. Ive never used this myself either, so dont have any routines to share..
I read EasyPtr manual and the latest QPtr manual several times over the last 2 weeks. Neither seems to be user-friendly - and both gave me a lot of grey hair.
Re: PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 7:21 pm
by pjw
I agree with you there. It gets easier..
Anyway, I found this from Wolfgang (packaged by me. Seems I may have used it after all!).
First do a MAWSETUP, then call the routine below, then MAWDRAW:
Code: Select all
rem + ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +
rem |< Set_csizes >|
rem + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +
rem | set the csizes for menu appsub windows |
rem | |
rem | params: |
rem | channel% |
rem | the channel number, which must be the same one as used for MAWDRAW |
rem | supply this parameter correctly. |
rem | num% |
rem | the appsub number, starting at 1 for the first appsub wdw |
rem | x_csize% |
rem | the x csize (0 ... 3), same as for the CSIZE command |
rem | y_csize% |
rem | the y csize (0 or 1), same as for the CSIZE command |
rem | |
rem | If there is any error in the parameters, this just gives up silently |
rem | without generating an error |
rem + ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +
rem | V0.01, WL, SMSQ/E V3.19++ |
rem + ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +
def proc set_csizes (channel%,num%,x_csize%,y_csize%)
local appsub_nbr%,appsub
appsub= MWDEF(#channel%) : rem the working definition
appsub_nbr%=peek_w(appsub+110) : rem nbr of appsub wdws
if appsub_nbr% < num% or num% < 1: return : rem wrong appsub number
appsub=peek_l(appsub+112) : rem point to appsub list
appsub=peek_l(appsub+4*(num%-1)) : rem get pointer to appsub wdw
if x_csize% > -1 and x_csize% < 4
poke appsub+38,x_csize% : rem set size
if y_csize% > -1 and y_csize% < 2
poke appsub+39,y_csize% : rem set size
end def set_csizes
Remember: The menu must be dimensioned (by you) to take the csizes you intend to use.
Try it! I dont know if it works..
Re: PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 8:16 pm
by Andrew
pjw wrote:I agree with you there. It gets easier..
Anyway, I found this from Wolfgang (packaged by me. Seems I may have used it after all!).
Thank you very much! This helps a lot.
For the current project (learning project) I already used a window overlayed on the menu - it works, but it offends my programming taste

But the final scope is to port QL Commander to PE and there it's mandatory to have the csize set for the menu window, to use the scroll - hence my question.
Re: PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 9:40 pm
by Derek_Stewart
QPTR ptogramming is not easy, but it lacks good examples on how ptogramme the PE Windows.
Wolfgang 's web site has many PE fames and utilites with source code, which worth a look.
Re: PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 12:45 am
by Andrew
Thank you DIlwyn for the examples and source code you sent me! They were invaluable in understanding how EasyPtr works. I have used them in my program.
My first PE program is almost ready. I have attached the source code in the zip file.
Almost because:
- it runs perfectly in BASIC
- it took 2 minutes to compile it with QLIBERATOR and works, as long as I load the _men from disk
- spent 2 days to embed the _men files in the _obj and failed miserably! I read the manual 100 times and I still do not understand how to use APPMAN. I tried to create the Extension+Appendix - created several ... Program compiles but crashes on run. I have no idea what I am doing wrong.
Please explain me how to use APPMAN and what (and how) must I create there - to compile succesfully with QLiberator.
Later Edit: attachement removed - download final version here
Re: PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 11:24 am
by tofro
Yep, appman is a bit awkward to handle, but still very useful. Small Recipe:
- Open appman
- Add your menus ("load"->"Menu", assign some proper names (last column). Your Window should look like this:
- Save as an extension (Set "Command" to "APPA0", which should be the default, then save as an appendix (e.g. "charmap_app", FILES->SAVE->APPENDIX). Don't try and mess with the "append" option or something - That's a bit of a nuisance in compiled programs, IMHO.
- LRESPR the app file you made to check it.
- PRINT appa0('charmap') (Or whatever you called a menu in the app file) must return a reasonable value. x = FOPEN ("con") : MDRAW #x,APPA0("charmap") must display the menu - otherwise, repeat previous steps until you succeed.
- Up to here, you got it working in S*BASIC. Now you need to be able to use it in a compiled program. This is what I do with Turbo: "200 REMark %%dos2_charmap_app,0,60". For liberated programs, you would probably use something like 400 REMark $$asmb=win1_dev_charmap_app0_app,0,60 (The 60 works for me, but may depend on your appman version. In case 60 doesn't work, provide your _app file for analysis, please)
Hope this helps!
Re: PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 5:28 pm
by Andrew
tofro wrote:Yep, appman is a bit awkward to handle, but still very useful. Small Recipe:
- Open appman
- Add your menus ("load"->"Menu", assign some proper names (last column). Your Window should look like this: APPMAN0.png
- Save as an extension (Set "Command" to "APPA0", which should be the default, then save as an appendix (e.g. "charmap_app", FILES->SAVE->APPENDIX). Don't try and mess with the "append" option or something - That's a bit of a nuisance in compiled programs, IMHO.
- LRESPR the app file you made to check it.
- PRINT appa0('charmap') (Or whatever you called a menu in the app file) must return a reasonable value. x = FOPEN ("con") : MDRAW #x,APPA0("charmap") must display the menu - otherwise, repeat previous steps until you succeed.
- Up to here, you got it working in S*BASIC. Now you need to be able to use it in a compiled program. This is what I do with Turbo: "200 REMark %%dos2_charmap_app,0,60". For liberated programs, you would probably use something like 400 REMark $$asmb=win1_dev_charmap_app0_app,0,60 (The 60 works for me, but may depend on your appman version. In case 60 doesn't work, provide your _app file for analysis, please)
Hope this helps!
Done! And I still get the same errors when I run the compiled program...
After Lrespr win1_dev_charmap_char_app x = FOPEN ("con") : MDRAW #x,APPA0("charmap") displays the menu
I have attached the char_app (just delete the .zip extension)
What APPMAN version are you using?
I use v4.02, latest version from EasyPtr4 package from Dilwyn's site - and it refuses to run on QPC2 in high colour modes!!!! It only runs in QL colors mode
Later Edit: I noticed that qlib_ext is not corectly linked to the obj when I use QLiberator 3.45 - but it is linked when I use Qliberator 3.36.
This may be because the init and table values are not correct for v3.45
Code: Select all
40 REMark $$asmb=win1_QLiberator_qlib_ext,0,12
I have attached the qlib_ext (just delete the .zip extension) Please , can you tell me the correct values?