Dot matrix printer for QL

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Dot matrix printer for QL

Post by HAOUI »

Hi all QLers,
Another collector and unique piece for the QL with this pretty printer DOT Matrix, fully working and in perfect condition.
Basically, it is a BROTHER model M 1009 but fitted with a special ROM for the QL, emulating perfectly the famous EPSON FX-80.
Will be supplied with original boxing and manual, plus a perfored paper trailer and a brand new ruban cartridge.
Please ask for any detail or make a PM offer via the forum.

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Re: Dot matrix printer for QL

Post by bwinkel67 »

I had both the M1009 (yard sale) and M1109 (bought new) model -- I think I had the latter first. Hooked them both up to my QL with no problem. Neither had a special ROM for the it though but had an Epson mode I think. I later hooked up the M1109 to my Mac IIsi and with the proper driver that thing did a nice job printing all sorts of fonts, etc. Really handy and small printers. I think I sold it when I moved on to a laser printer for the Mac. I still have a Brother EP-22 that can act both as a dot-matrix typewriter and be used as a printer. I had it hooked up to an old Windows 95/98 Thinkpad and got it to print successfully. Ought to try it on my QL. It sports a 25 pin RS232 port. I don't think it emulates anything though so the best you can get is just printouts.

Bent Pin Expansion Port
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Re: Dot matrix printer for QL

Post by HAOUI »

I bought this printer in the 80s in France and was sold specifically for the QL (in fact, it's a 1109 model).
I've got an additional manual for the FX80 ROM mode with all supported instructions.
I'd liked using this printer at this time with the NLQ quality, either with RS232 and Centronics interface and added the listing trailer. It supports several foreign char$ tables (UK, French, German, Spanish) and works perfect with SDUMP and all ESC/P drivers I used for PSION packages.
Since I switched to laser printers, my Brother stayed waiting in its box until now inside my "QL Alibaba cavern".
When checked out yesterday, it worked like a charm, even the installed ruban cartridge still usable.

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