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Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:17 pm
by Pr0f
Silvester wrote:Just got mine today so now I have all the bits to try it out on QL :-)

I don't normally use microdrives on QL but it'll be useful on ZX (Z80 snapshots on-the-fly sounds really useful).

Probably getting a bit ambitious but has anyone considered a NET option (QL or ZX) with Pi Zero 2 W similarly acting as fileserver?
There was an arduino based NET node that acted as a file server - it could probably be ported to ESP8286 or ESP32 platforms - it's on the forum here somewhere...

Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:31 pm
by Silvester
Pr0f wrote:There was an arduino based NET node that acted as a file server - it could probably be ported to ESP8286 or ESP32 platforms - it's on the forum here somewhere...
But with Pi platform it opens up possibility of full TK2 type server (N1_) rather than native NETI/NETO loader (IIRC)

Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 7:23 am
by Pr0f
Silvester wrote:
Pr0f wrote:There was an arduino based NET node that acted as a file server - it could probably be ported to ESP8286 or ESP32 platforms - it's on the forum here somewhere...
But with Pi platform it opens up possibility of full TK2 type server (N1_) rather than native NETI/NETO loader (IIRC)
I was just thinking from the point of view of arduino sketches and it being just a straight port.

Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 4:31 pm
by Derek_Stewart

I have 10 v1.2b external Oqtadrive units to build, I have had 5 cases 3D Printed.

I will get one made to see how they do.

I will look at getting some internal Oqtadive PCBs made.

Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 12:10 pm
by TomDD
New PCBs have arrived:
Image from iOS.jpg
All fitted and running great. Have configured the QL so OqtaDrive is mdv1 and the real hardware mdv2 still. I've wired up the LEDs so the case on is read and internal write which looks great. Only thing not completely happy with is I had to mount the Nano direct to the PCB rather than using a header strip as it is very tight and the larger USB connector gets in the way.

I created a small 3D printed bracket to stop the PCB moving about/sagging and also a little cap which goes over the pin connector to help route the wires All these can be found on Thingiverse

Short video on YouTube of it working

And some photos of it being fitted:

Fitting Nano to PCB:
3D Printed bracket:
All in place:
Lid shut:

Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 2:48 pm
by Derek_Stewart
Hi Tom,

Looks great, I will get some PCBs ordered.

Would I be correct in thinking that the new internal Oqtadrive for MDV1, can function with an external device connected to the External Micdrove connector to use an Extetnal Oqtadrive or vDriveQL, ehich can access MDV3-MDV8?

Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 3:10 pm
by TomDD
Derek_Stewart wrote:Hi Tom,

Looks great, I will get some PCBs ordered.

Would I be correct in thinking that the new internal Oqtadrive for MDV1, can function with an external device connected to the External Micdrove connector to use an Extetnal Oqtadrive or vDriveQL, ehich can access MDV3-MDV8?
I have it set-up as OqtaDrive mdv1, 3-8 and real hardware 2. I've not tried adding an extra device externally so not sure how that will work. You can specify which drives OqtaDrive shouldn't use so in theory if you tell it to not use 2-8 that should leave 3-8 free for another device (after the real mdv2)

Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 3:21 pm
by Derek_Stewart
Hi Tom

Thanks for the clarification, I was going add an Oqtadrive in next to my QL-SD, if I can map MDV 1-8 on the Oqtadrive, that would be great.

Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 3:41 pm
by NormanDunbar
TomDD wrote:Only thing not completely happy with is I had to mount the Nano direct to the PCB rather than using a header strip as it is very tight and the larger USB connector gets in the way.
I'm wondering, is the USB required after programming the Nano? If not maybe the Nano mounting stuff could be replaced by the minimum required to keep an ATmega328P (DIP version) in operation -- the Atmega, a two or three 100 NF caps, a 10K resistor and maybe a reset switch. That might get you some extra space on the board and get it to fit better. It would run on the internal 8 MHz oscillator rather than needing the 16 MHz crystal + two 22 pF caps, or a 16 MHz resonator, in this config -- which, given the speed of a BBQL, would probably be fine. (But I'm open to correction.)

I build a "Normduino" on a breadboad using just those components (and a 6 pin header to program it) and it works fine, once fused for internal oscillator use.

Just wondering.


Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 4:57 pm
by TomDD
NormanDunbar wrote:
TomDD wrote:Only thing not completely happy with is I had to mount the Nano direct to the PCB rather than using a header strip as it is very tight and the larger USB connector gets in the way.
I'm wondering, is the USB required after programming the Nano? If not maybe the Nano mounting stuff could be replaced by the minimum required to keep an ATmega328P (DIP version) in operation -- the Atmega, a two or three 100 NF caps, a 10K resistor and maybe a reset switch. That might get you some extra space on the board and get it to fit better. It would run on the internal 8 MHz oscillator rather than needing the 16 MHz crystal + two 22 pF caps, or a 16 MHz resonator, in this config -- which, given the speed of a BBQL, would probably be fine. (But I'm open to correction.)

I build a "Normduino" on a breadboad using just those components (and a 6 pin header to program it) and it works fine, once fused for internal oscillator use.

Just wondering.

USB isn't needed at all as you Flash the Nano via the Pi using the hardware serial. Surface mounting a ATmega328P and supporting circuitry would work great, just a bit beyond my skill set and hence why I just use an off the shelf Nano.