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Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 10:35 am
by TomDD
Also worth adding I released my micro PCB to github a few months back so you can check the circuit there. This doesn't have the Pi but does include the vibration motor circuit. The challenge now is to beat a 43.2mm x 40.6mm footprint, or 43.2mm x 30.5mm without the edge connector :)

Bottom right in photo for size comparison with normal Microdrive unit.


Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 1:48 pm
by TomDD
I've popped the new PCB on PCBWay if you fancy building your own. ... b1f63.html

Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 12:57 pm
by kmmann
Hi all

I ordered an external oqtadrive PCB to fit out with components and got 5 in the pack from pcbway. So I have 3 spare 1.1 PCBs ( the red ones as seen in Derek's post early on in the topic). If interested just pm me and I can mail one out to you. Postage cost I guess depends on where posting to.


Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 3:29 pm
by Derek_Stewart
kmmann wrote:Hi all

I ordered an external oqtadrive PCB to fit out with components and got 5 in the pack from pcbway. So I have 3 spare 1.1 PCBs ( the red ones as seen in Derek's post early on in the topic). If interested just pm me and I can mail one out to you. Postage cost I guess depends on where posting to.

Hi Kevin,

The Oqtadrive PCBs I have and depicted in the message thread are v1.2b, which use a single LED rather than 2 LEDs as in v1.1 PCB.

I have some cases 3D Printed for v1.2b PCBs, which I am the process of building up.

Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2022 9:32 am
by kmmann

You are correct Derek, not the same version.
So these are the two led 1.1 circuit boards.
So if anyone wants one for postage cost let me know.


Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2022 9:48 am
by Derek_Stewart
Hi Kevin,

If you do not sell your surplus PCBs, I can take them and build them into a v1.1 Case.

I am in the process of ordering parts for 10 v1.2b Oqtadrive, with the single LED.

I had 5 v1.2b cases 3D Printed by Speedy3D via Treatstock, but I am not sure about the quality of the surface finish, maybe OK.

Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2022 6:07 pm
by TomDD
kmmann wrote:Ha

You are correct Derek, not the same version. IMG_20220305_222539.jpg
So these are the two led 1.1 circuit boards.
So if anyone wants one for postage cost let me know.

Biggest change from the v1.1 to v1.2 was the addition of the COMM header pins which allow you to move the drive order around. This does require additional wiring into the QL.

V1.2b added the vibration motor circuit

Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 10:17 pm
by Silvester
BTW if you need lower power* Pi Zero W v1 for Oqtadrive PiHut have them in right now : gone! (11/3/22)

(Ebay prices gone a bit silly)

* Single core but up to 0.27A less current requirement than Pi Zero 2.

Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2022 4:38 pm
by TomDD
Silvester wrote:BTW if you need lower power Pi Zero W v1 for Oqtadrive PiHut have them in right now :

(Ebay prices gone a bit silly)
Thanks ordered one. I find the older Pi Zeros fine for the QL as it doesn't really use the extra CPU cores as the Spectrum does for converting z80 snapshots (which really benefit from the quad core) although boot time is slower but not massively.

Re: OqtaDrive

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 2:06 pm
by Silvester
Just got mine today so now I have all the bits to try it out on QL :-)

I don't normally use microdrives on QL but it'll be useful on ZX (Z80 snapshots on-the-fly sounds really useful).

Probably getting a bit ambitious but has anyone considered a NET option (QL or ZX) with Pi Zero 2 W similarly acting as fileserver?