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Re: PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:45 am
by Derek_Stewart
I tried the Charmap application of QPCv5.02, SMSQmulator v2.32, Q68, all running SMSQ/E v3.38, all work great, a nice pointer application.
Is it possible to add in the facility to alter a selected character and save the new Font?
I tried Charmap in sQLux v1.02 running, which did not work, I thought due to the lack of HOME thing, so I added in the HOME thing from the QL Home Page, which also did not work in sQLux, so it looks like only SMSQ/E... Which is not a big deal, probably better to use the best operating system.
Re: PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 1:06 pm
by Andrew
Derek_Stewart wrote:
Is it possible to add in the facility to alter a selected character and save the new Font?
It's possible, but there already is a very good font editor written by Dilwyn:
Re: PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 2:02 pm
by dilwyn
Err, thank you <blush> <blush>

Re: PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 4:46 pm
by desin
here is my adress database program
it is based on
works best in compiled form (Qlib) from a win container
Smsqe is preferable
- (105.38 KiB) Downloaded 223 times
Greetings from Switzerland
Re: PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 6:40 pm
by NormanDunbar
Have you, by any chance, just fallen foul of the EU's GDPR laws? Are those real names and addresses, if so, you may have broken the law by publishing data than can identify a person, online. Just wondering.
UPDATE: I'm told it's publically available data, many years out of date, and Switzerland isn't in the EU. I shall go back to not worrying!
Re: PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 6:20 pm
by Andrew
Hi - I need help!!
How the heck do you read the arrow keys in PE?
Using PVAL [#ch%,] result%
result%(6) returns the ASCII code of key pressed
This works for all keys, except for the arrows! If any arrow key is pressed then result%(6)=0
The arrows only move the cursor on screen, but I need to know if the arrow keys were pressed or not.
Re: PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 7:16 pm
by dilwyn
Not at a QL to check this. Please try the CKEYON #channel and CKEYOFF commands present in both QDOS PE and SBASIC. Channel number optional.
https://superbasic-manual.readthedocs.i ... keyon.html
Don't remember if this does what you want to achieve or not.
Re: PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 7:44 pm
by Andrew
Thanks Dilwyn, but it seems it's not working.
This is my test code:
Code: Select all
100 DIM prec%(15)
120 XJ 'dos1_6_qlc_demo_handA_spr',adr,1
130 SPRS#1,adr
150 acolor=7
160 MAWS#1,5,2
170 RDPT#1,48
180 PVAL#1,prec%
190 RDPT#1,48,prec%(10)+20,prec%(11)+20
200 REPeat TheLoop
207 CKEYON#1
210 RDPT#1,25,1:PVAL#1,prec%
220 IF prec%(1)<>prec%(13):NEXT TheLoop
230 IF prec%(6)=27:EXIT TheLoop
235 PRINT #0, prec%(6)
240 IF prec%(6)=245:WMOV#1:NEXT TheLoop
250 IF prec%(6)>47 AND prec%(6)<56
260 acolor=prec%(6)-48
270 END IF
280 BLOCK#1,2,1,prec%(3),prec%(4),acolor
290 END REPeat TheLoop
300 CLPT#1:MAWS#1:RXJ adr
Re: PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:43 pm
by dilwyn
OK. I haven't had time to look at it.
Maybe if you give us an idea of what you want to achieve we can think of another way around it. Seems an unusual requirement (at first glance) to read a cursor key when it's normally assigned to pointer movement.
Without looking at any code, you might reasonably have expected a temporary CKEYOFF to allow detection of cursor arrow keys. Presumably, the PE still swallows a cursor key press despite a CKEYOFF?
Is the same true with an MKEY% function?
I don't remember if CKEYOFF and CKEYON are meant to work in a program, or just from command line. Since CKEYON allows a channel number, probably supposed to work in a program.
Would a KEYROW be of any use in the context you're trying to use this?
Re: PE Programming for dummies
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 9:06 pm
by tofro
According to my manual, the keycode of the key should also be present in the high byte of the termination vector on return (That must obviously be an integer varable, then, you're currently handing in a constant). Did you check that?