Re: New Q60 Boards
Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2025 7:09 pm
The features of the Q60 are:
• Q60/60: (60Mhz), Q60/66 (66Mhz): 68060 CPU, 60/66 MHz, Math. Coprocessor, MMU
• Q60/80: (80Mhz): 68LC060 CPU, 80Mhz, MMU (no FPU)
• 68060 superscalar architecture, dual execution units
• Up to 160 BogoMIPS performance for QDOS+SMSQ/E
• 128 MB RAM, PS/2 module sockets
• 256 to 1024 kB ROM
• Highspeed 32 bit graphics, with original QL modes
• 65536 colours at 1024 x 512 pixel resolution
• Multisync monitor output
• PC Keyboard interface (DIN)
• 20 kHz Stereo sound
• Battery buffered clock, 2 KB nonvolatile RAM
• Controller for 2 IDE harddisks or CD-ROM
• 2 Serial ports with 115200 Baud, Parallel port, Joystick port (on IO card supplied with mainboard)
• Hardware extension slot supports ISA cards
• Fits directly into Minitower or other standard case
• +5V / +12V power supply
• No tinkering, no parts from original QL needed
• Mainboard size 8.2 x 6.3 inch
• SMSQ/E - The QDOS compatible, but faster and more modern operating system.
The first choice for most Q60 users. Allows you to run the majority of QL programs, has a much improved BASIC. SMSQ/E supports a lot of the advanced Q60 hardware capabilities including full highcolor graphic drivers and sampled sound!
• QDOS Classic - A multitasking operating system with good compatibility for older QL programs.
Includes harddisk and sound support. It was the first operating system for the Q40. Full 68060 support.
There is a Linux option available, but no support is available
In the bad old days when D&D Systems, fought for survival against Qbranch/QL Today, with a friend we produced 3 variation of Q60 - 60/66Mhz with MMU, FPU and 80Mhz with MMU and no FPU.
The system was supplied as a board option with I/O card, 64Mb Ram, or built into a PC AT Tower Case, with 20Gb hard drive, 56x CDROM drive, 3.5" Floppy Drive, AT Keyboard, Serial 3 button Mouse, options on speakers.
I would be looking to reduce the specification to:
80Mhz Q60
68LC060 CPU, MMU, no FPU
128Mb ram (note, SMSQ/E only supports 64Mb)
I/O Card: 4 IDE, FLP, 4 SER, 2 PAR
Storage: CF Card or SD Card
Floppy Disk Drive or Gotek Drive
Ethernet Card: 10baseT (10Mb/s) ISA Card
Stereo Sound, with speakers as a option
PC Tower case: Black or Beige
Operating System: SMSQ/E, QDOS Classic.
Software Package now free ( in 2002 this was licensed)
*** Please not I am not looking for sales of the Q60, at present, there would a dedicated sales message thread for this.
I have finalise a parts list and cost the project.
I am just trying to stimulate interest.
The features of the Q60 are:
• Q60/60: (60Mhz), Q60/66 (66Mhz): 68060 CPU, 60/66 MHz, Math. Coprocessor, MMU
• Q60/80: (80Mhz): 68LC060 CPU, 80Mhz, MMU (no FPU)
• 68060 superscalar architecture, dual execution units
• Up to 160 BogoMIPS performance for QDOS+SMSQ/E
• 128 MB RAM, PS/2 module sockets
• 256 to 1024 kB ROM
• Highspeed 32 bit graphics, with original QL modes
• 65536 colours at 1024 x 512 pixel resolution
• Multisync monitor output
• PC Keyboard interface (DIN)
• 20 kHz Stereo sound
• Battery buffered clock, 2 KB nonvolatile RAM
• Controller for 2 IDE harddisks or CD-ROM
• 2 Serial ports with 115200 Baud, Parallel port, Joystick port (on IO card supplied with mainboard)
• Hardware extension slot supports ISA cards
• Fits directly into Minitower or other standard case
• +5V / +12V power supply
• No tinkering, no parts from original QL needed
• Mainboard size 8.2 x 6.3 inch
• SMSQ/E - The QDOS compatible, but faster and more modern operating system.
The first choice for most Q60 users. Allows you to run the majority of QL programs, has a much improved BASIC. SMSQ/E supports a lot of the advanced Q60 hardware capabilities including full highcolor graphic drivers and sampled sound!
• QDOS Classic - A multitasking operating system with good compatibility for older QL programs.
Includes harddisk and sound support. It was the first operating system for the Q40. Full 68060 support.
There is a Linux option available, but no support is available
In the bad old days when D&D Systems, fought for survival against Qbranch/QL Today, with a friend we produced 3 variation of Q60 - 60/66Mhz with MMU, FPU and 80Mhz with MMU and no FPU.
The system was supplied as a board option with I/O card, 64Mb Ram, or built into a PC AT Tower Case, with 20Gb hard drive, 56x CDROM drive, 3.5" Floppy Drive, AT Keyboard, Serial 3 button Mouse, options on speakers.
I would be looking to reduce the specification to:
80Mhz Q60
68LC060 CPU, MMU, no FPU
128Mb ram (note, SMSQ/E only supports 64Mb)
I/O Card: 4 IDE, FLP, 4 SER, 2 PAR
Storage: CF Card or SD Card
Floppy Disk Drive or Gotek Drive
Ethernet Card: 10baseT (10Mb/s) ISA Card
Stereo Sound, with speakers as a option
PC Tower case: Black or Beige
Operating System: SMSQ/E, QDOS Classic.
Software Package now free ( in 2002 this was licensed)
*** Please not I am not looking for sales of the Q60, at present, there would a dedicated sales message thread for this.
I have finalise a parts list and cost the project.
I am just trying to stimulate interest.