No worries, you are in the waiting list for the new batch on a very early position. But you may consider to share your Email address and shipment address already. This may speed up things once the batch is produced. Just be a little bit patient.
may be off topic, but I just want you let you know. I am a little bit old school and appreciate a friendly "Hello" at the beginning of an Email, PM or any other conversation. Also at the end of any kind of conversations, there are certainly phrases to close the conversation. Also to know the name of a conversational partner makes things easier, so do not hesitate to share.
Since the introduction of QIMSI and later of QIMSI Gold I receive a very wide variety of messages, some a very friendly including the necessary information and also a kind of personal word. Some, you may not believe, also include a "Thank you". Others are more straight forward and avoid any unnecessary (and necessary) information. So before press the submit button, just take this as a tip, kindly spend a minute and think about:
- How the reader may read this message
- What kind of reaction I want to provoke at the reader
- How I want to receive an answer
- Am I really interested in buying one (I do not receive any further answers from about 15% of the guys here shown their interest)
Maskenlos wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2025 9:49 pm
- How the reader may read this message
- What kind of reaction I want to provoke at the reader
- How I want to receive an answer
- Am I really interested in buying one (I do not receive any further answers from about 15% of the guys here shown their interest)
Modern times, this. Stephan, you have my dearest sympathies.
No worries, you are in the waiting list for the new batch on a very early position. But you may consider to share your Email address and shipment address already. This may speed up things once the batch is produced. Just be a little bit patient.
jvaltane wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2024 6:31 am
I'm interested for QIMSI Gold card, if possible with RTC.
I did not get any answers. I assume that my interest was lost into the flood of messages.
Waiting list works as well.
Hello and sorry,
Anyways. Excellent, I'll send pm with contact information.
...and sorry about not being polite. There was no offensive thoughts in my message. We here at Finland has used to just tell in messages just what is core thing (emails, sms's etc.) . I think it is cultural thing, but I'll try to say hello and be more polite here in the future.
jvaltane wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2025 10:23 pm
Hello and sorry,
Anyways. Excellent, I'll send pm with contact information.
...and sorry about not being polite. There was no offensive thoughts in my message. We here at Finland has used to just tell in messages just what is core thing (emails, sms's etc.) . I think it is cultural thing, but I'll try to say hello and be more polite here in the future.
Yup, the further north you go, the more sparse the communication. Its too effing cold to stand around and say much!
I love long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
- Fred Allen
pjw wrote: Fri Feb 14, 2025 10:48 pm
Yup, the further north you go, the more sparse the communication. Its too effing cold to stand around and say much!
There's this joke with the Finn and the Swede going out for some drinks. After the first few shots in silence, the Swede starts the conversation with "Skål!". The Finn, annoyed, answers with "are we drinking or gossiping?"
There's this joke with the Finn and the Swede going out for some drinks. After the first few shots in silence, the Swede starts the conversation with "Skål!". The Finn, annoyed, answers with "are we drinking or gossiping?"
Good jokes have always little bit of truth behind. ...this one was good
Here at Finland is a lot of jokes here where Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian persons does something. I think Norwegian has similar jokes. Not sure about Swedes, probably they have.