I'm not sure if this article by Tony Tebby is still relevant to current versions of SMSQ/E, it goes back to the early days, IIRC it was an article in one of the magazines at the time, maybe IQLR. It might be out of date nowadays - if someone tries it, and finds it is, please let me know so I can flag it on my website.Derek_Stewart wrote: Tue Jan 28, 2025 6:06 pm If In write a new Language module, how do I load the module into SMSQ/E.
Sorry if this is off topic.
At the time, I did make Welsh language modules for SMSQ/E, but long since lost.
Off-topic aside: when I visited Caernarfon airport's aviation museum a couple of years ago, the man who ran the place built Daleks as a hobby. The one in reception had a sensor to detect people walking past and respond with "exterminate exterminate" in whatever language it detected as you walked past. Some experience walking past a Dalek in reception saying it was going to kill you in Welsh! Although the kids loved it. Must have "language modules" of its own.