68040/68060 CPUs? If we could manage to narrow down where the problem could
lie, it might be possible to do something. Hopefully its nothing systemic
that would require a redesign!
A pity the discussion so far got muddled with another thread. Here is the
start of the discussion for reference:
From "Compiling a SuperBasic program"
In https://www.theqlforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=61181#p61181 Artificer did
some experiments.
Were the programs you tried to patch of the same vintage as SYSREF_task? IToday, I tried patching 7 qliberator compiled programs this morning
with the SYSREF_task. For 3, SYSREF_task made no changes and for the
remainder it patched 2 locations and then modified other parts of the code
to be 32 bit compatible. It made not one compatible with the copyback cache
setting on my Q60. Those that it patched all reported the QLib runtime
error "FOR type error" regardless of cache setting.
dont know when that program was written as I cant find any date, but it could
be around 1990. So perhaps try to patch something compiled pre 1990, if you
havent already, and see where we go from there..