Unfortunately i managed to break my 2nd (standard-)qimsi keyboad-connector now. The usb connector simply broke off its solder-pads and one of the solder pads even ripped off from the pcb (after resoldering the usb connector 2 times). on the other qimsi i even manged to rip off 3 of the solder pads from the pcb

I want to try repairing it, but would need some info if there are alternatives to these tiny usb-pads where i could solder some wires to my own usb-connector. I know the outer-left (orientation as on the picture) has a pad on the backside and the outer-right also. if im not wrong the 2nd from left is anyhow unused (correct?) so i would need some alternative solder-pads for the 3rd and 4th from the left-side because when i use the existing pads to solder wires on them, the just rip off quite easy again ...
anyone can help me with that ?