Announcing the new "Gold Card" - QIMSI Gold

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Re: Announcing the new "Gold Card" - QIMSI Gold

Post by guibrush »

Thanks. I have to play a little bit with it. When I try to open a win fine nothing happens. I try on the pc after diner.

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Re: Announcing the new "Gold Card" - QIMSI Gold

Post by guibrush »

ok, I figured out how to use correctly QXLWinReader on the Mac. Somehow it simply don't like to access the desktop, copying files in the user directory solve the issue.

I opened QLWA.WIN and copied update_bit that I extracted from the .zip file I received in there. EW WIN1_proglogic continue to return "error opening bistream file"

I think that the file is corrupted. Or do I miss something obvious?

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Re: Announcing the new "Gold Card" - QIMSI Gold

Post by guibrush »

Question: did someone managed to have a working mouse on the revision 2 of the Qimsi Gold?

I just did a test: I took a PS/2 mouse that work on my Q68. I rewired it on a USB plug. It's easy, there is only two possibilities to hook the data lines. The Quimisi Gold don't recognise this mouse.

I'm now really puzzled. I would be glad if I can get an explanation how to update the FPGA step by step, I really can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm not really educated in the QL world, I'm more an Amiga guy, so there is certainly that seems obvious to me that I missed totally.
Thanks for your help.

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Re: Announcing the new "Gold Card" - QIMSI Gold

Post by Maskenlos »

guibrush wrote: Sun Nov 03, 2024 4:12 pm I took a PS/2 mouse that work on my Q68.
There are different FPGAs on Q68 and QIMSI. It may happen that a mouse works on Q68 and not on QIMSI
guibrush wrote: Sun Nov 03, 2024 4:12 pm Question: did someone managed to have a working mouse on the revision 2 of the Qimsi Gold?
Yes, me and Peter for sure as well. I test every single QIMSI before send out. Same happen to yours.

I am pretty sure there are many others who have a working mouse.

What is about the mouse I recommended?

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Re: Announcing the new "Gold Card" - QIMSI Gold

Post by guibrush »

There are different FPGAs on Q68 and QIMSI. It may happen that a mouse works on Q68 and not on QIMSI
Yes, me and Peter for sure as well. I test every single QIMSI before send out. Same happen to yours.
What is about the mouse I recommended?
I have only one mouse that is on the list you pointed out, the Logitech RX 250 (USB). Il will have to seek for one of the others Ps/2 mouse on eBay, I don't have them. I have 3 Logitech and one HP. Only the Logitech work on the Q68, therefore I tested one of those with the USB plug replacement.

I tried in-between to unzip the new FPGA binary on the QL itself installing ZIP and extracting it. It worked good ,except that ZIP refuse to create the file, no idea why.

Honestly, if I could have a container WIN file with the good update file in it, it would help me a lot... I'm on this since 4 hours and I can't see what I'm doing wrong.

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Re: Announcing the new "Gold Card" - QIMSI Gold

Post by Peter »

guibrush wrote: Sun Nov 03, 2024 5:56 pm Honestly, if I could have a container WIN file with the good update file in it, it would help me a lot... I'm on this since 4 hours and I can't see what I'm doing wrong.
Did you check the file presence and length with WSTAT as I asked you to?

Also it could be that you have set a different data directory, in which case you need to explicitely specify the bitstream file as detailed in the manual.

You need to learn how to deal with container files in general, your problem is not specific to FPGA update.

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Re: Announcing the new "Gold Card" - QIMSI Gold

Post by Maskenlos »

I have send you a container file by EMail

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Re: Announcing the new "Gold Card" - QIMSI Gold

Post by guibrush »

Did you check the file presence and length with WSTAT as I asked you to?
I'm afraid I don't know what is WSTAT, sorry
Also it could be that you have set a different data directory, in which case you need to explicitely specify the bitstream file as detailed in the manual.
No, it was in the root.
It's solved, thanks to Maskenlos!
My tranfert was good, the problem wasn't the file, the problem was the syntax.

Reading the manual, I saw

"EW proglogic (if a valid bitstream file named „update_bit“ is present in the data path)"

therefore, I typed:
"EW win1_proglogic" and it gave me the error.

Maskenlos gave me the right syntax:
EW win1_proglogic;"win1_update_bit"
And this work!
I updated correctly the FPGA, and I'm happy to report that 4 USB mouses that I have work correctly :-)
Thanks you all for your patience!
You need to learn how to deal with container files in general, your problem is not specific to FPGA update.
Yes. The problem is that it's hard to find the right information when you don't have the basic knowledge, like me. It is the same in the Amiga world, where we spend many times to explain obvious things to newcomers, I totally understand your pain :-)

I searched a lot, but I honestly could't figure out that my syntax was wrong. Looks like the syntax scheme in QL world is very different as the one in Amiga land.

But I'm happy to learn :-)

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Re: Announcing the new "Gold Card" - QIMSI Gold

Post by guibrush »

Maskenlos wrote: Sun Nov 03, 2024 7:11 pm I have send you a container file by EMail
thanks for your help! Really

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Re: Announcing the new "Gold Card" - QIMSI Gold

Post by dilwyn »

Two working mice for QIMSI-Gold that I have two tested so far. Both also work with Q68. Both have PS/2 plugs so need a passive PS/2 to USB on the end of the OTG adaptor. Not checked out the scroll wheels yet. Only tried with the SMSQ/E for QIMSI-Gold.

1. Acer MS.11200 080
Black optical mouse with scroll wheel.

2. Fujitsu M-G48 (label is a little faded, might be M-S48 or M-548)
Beige coloured ball mouse with scroll wheel.

As regards video cables, as I originally only had a VGA monitor spare for use with the QL and QIMSI-Gold, I tried a few mini-HDMI to VGA converter units with limited results. None of the ones I tried which had the electronics in the VGA connector hood worked - Twozoh mini-HDMI to VGA 1m cable and Benfei HDMI-VGA cable 1.8m both from Amazon, the latter also needing a mini-HDMI to standard HDMI adaptor. There is supposedly a version of the Benfei lead having a mini-HDMI connector - shown on but I can't find it on UK Amazon, maybe out of stock.

Most other units which end in a box, needing a separate VGA-VGA cable, worked fine. As the units are all sealed, I can't check what electronics are in them - maybe different electronics are used for the ones with the converter inside the VGA plug to miniaturise them. These worked OK, although most needed a combination of leads which might put extra strain on the QIMSI's video connector:
1) Mr Gadget HDMI to VGA converter. Needs mini to standard HDMI adaptor and VGA-VGA lead. White coloured unit - a black one is supposedly available, but I couldn't find it online.

2) Patuoxin 1080P HDMI to VGA cable adaptor. Works, but needs additional mini to standard HDMI adaptor.

In the end, as the working HDMI-VGA adaptors were so clumsy, needing mini-standard HDMI adaptor and VGA-VGA lead, I gave in and found it more cost effective to buy a monitor with HDMI input, so I got a Philips 222V8LA 22 inch monitor from Currys. It has VGA, HDMI and Display port connectors, so just needed a regular mini-HDMI to HDMI lead and gave a rock solid picture filling the screen. Worked fine with the various video modes of the QIMSI-Gold.

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