Pico W, right now... is not a next future and to use it, need to add that feature to the core (firmware).Derek_Stewart wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2024 11:02 pm maybe a MicroPicoDrive, with a Pico-W, and have wifi conductivity.
Or am I dreaming...
I don't know if someone is going to do it, but not me.
Instead of it. Next after sound module... I'll going to add wireless comms (file transfer) but will be ... a cartridge

That way, everyone who may need a wireless use of the MDP, could mount/pay the add-on, and who doesn't, save time & money. That is my next milestone (after sound).
In other words... a new cartridge compatible with the driver unit, to load images from your phone or computer directly. No screen, no buttons, no mSD. Just a tiny cartridge.