I will try answer your questions
jdavis6809 wrote: Sat May 25, 2024 2:46 pm
1. the two screws to mount the main pcb not shown or size known ?
2. the two treaded headers under the pcb not well shown or size known ?
3. the idc cable assy from the main pcb to ql main pcb not shown or know how to make ?
4. the code to copy to microsd card not know how to do it ?
1. No idea now, I use the original one from the QL Microdrive. So service manual could tell that info. Really I don't know it because I Didn't pay attention on it yet.
2. If you mean the connector on the QL main board, they are 2 rounded pins sockets. (2 arrays of 7 or 8 pins). IDC male connectors works fine with them.
3. I start to understand you mean main PCB of the MicroDrivePico... let's call them Driver (or reader) for main MDP unit, cartridge for cartridge and QL board for QL board. Otherwise for me it is hard to understand what you mean.. So if you want to know what to use for it (to connect from MDP to QL board, I recommend IDC male connector.
4. Code, you don't need to copy any code to start. Only your MDVs or MDP images. In Dr Gusman website you have some samples for testing (ex. Abacus.MDV). If you want to copy your own images from some cartridges, then use the Dr. Gusman tools, or just try to copy your MDVs images directly into the msSD. That's all what you need. Say that, if you mean last feature like autoload images on QL Powering Up, or when inserting a cartridge, then you need the CONFIG.CFG file that I have share here some post ago.
If I am not wrong, most part of your questions get an answer after watching the videos that I have posted. Where you can see the whole process of mounting, installing, etc.
Have you watched them?
Just in case it helps...