QDOS on Google TV walkthrough

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Mark Swift
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QDOS on Google TV walkthrough

Post by Mark Swift »

Hi all

This is a walk-through of how to run QDOS on a "Chromecast with Google TV".
In this setup, I make use of the Amiga (PUAE) emulator within RetroArch and a QDOS Classic kickstart ROM for UAE.
Setup is quite a lengthy process, so I thought it was worth documenting.

These are the steps:

1. Download RetroArch and QDOS Classic onto a USB stick and connect it to the Chromecast.
2. Connect a keyboard, enter developer mode, download a file browser and install RetroArch
3. Disable RetroArch Hotkey mappings and launch QDOS Classic

Note, RetroArch is not listed on the Play Store for the "Chromecast with Google TV" so you have to sideload via an apk file while in developer mode.

Here we go:

1. Download RetroArch and QDOS Classic onto a USB stick and connect it to the Chromecast.

1.1. Download the RetroArch.apk file from this URL.


1.2 Copy the RetroArch.apk file onto an FAT formatted USB stick.

1.3. Download the following zip file.
It contains a current version of the QDOS Classic KickROM for UAE within a RetroArch settings folder.

(912.7 KiB) Downloaded 200 times

1.4. Copy the zip file onto an FAT formatted USB stick and unzip

1.5 Connect the USB stick to the Chromecast by way of a Type C USB 3.0 Charger Splitter


2. Connect a keyboard, enter developer mode, download a file browser and install RetroArch

2.1. Power on a Bluetooth Keyboard and place it into pairing mode

2.2. At the Chromecast Home page,
Select "Settings>Remotes and accessories>Pair remote or accessory"

2.3. Select and pair your keyboard.

2.4. At the Chromecast Home page,
Select "Settings>System>About>Android TV OS Build"
keep clicking until you see "you are now a developer"

2.5. At the Chromecast Home page,
Select "Apps>Search for apps and games"

2.6 Look for "FX" which is a decent file browser with a split screen option.

2.7 Install the App, and give it the appropriate permissions to read and write the filesystem

Select "Settings>Apps>See all apps>FX>Permissions>Files and Media>Allow..."

2.8 Copy the RetroArch folder from the USB stick onto the Main Storage

2.9 Double-click the RetroArch.apk file to install.

2.10 You will be told that the File Browser doesn't have the permissions to install unknown apps.
Assign the permissions and install

2.11 Open RetroArch

2.12 You will be told that the RetroArch doesn't have the permissions to read storage. Assign the permissions

Once RetroArch is installed, you can remove the USB stick and Charger Splitter and connect up the Chromecast as normal.


3. Disable RetroArch Hotkey mappings and launch QDOS Classic

3.1 In RetroArch, select "Settings>Input>Hotkeys"

3.2 In order to use the keyboard in QDOS, we need to disable all Hotkey keyboard mappings.
Hover over every option that says "key" and press the "a" key on the keyboard.
The option will change to "---"

3.3. Hover over the "Menu Toggle" option then press "Enter"
Hit a key on the keyboard that you would like to use to get you out of QDOS.
I use the "Home" key.

3.4 In RetroArch, select "Settings>Input>RetroPad Binds>Port 1 Controls"

3.5 Hover over any option that says "key" and press the "a" key on the keyboard.
The option will change to "---"
Do the "key a" option last, as this is the key used to clear the options.

3.6 Hover over "Device Index" and press a button on the Chromecast remote.
It should change from "N/A #1" to "Chromecast Remote"

3.7 Hover over "D-Pad Up" and press enter. When asked, press up on the Chromecast remote.

3.8 Do the same for other keys on the remote
"D-Pad Up" = "Up"
"D-Pad Down" = "Down"
"D-Pad Left" = "Left"
"D-Pad Right" = "Right"
"B Button (Down)" = "OK"
"A Button (Right)" = "Back"
You can now use the Chromecast remote to set RetroArch options

3.9. Select "Settings>Video>Scaling>Aspect Ratio", and set it to "Full"

3.10. Select "Main Menu>Load Core>Download a Core>Commodore - Amiga (PUE)"

3.11. Select "Main Menu>Load Core>Commodore - Amiga (PUE)>Start Core"
QDOS will load.


A couple of things to note.

When running QDOS on the Chromecast there is an annoying clicking sound. This doesn't happen in RetroArch on any other Android device that I've tried. The only solution at the moment is to mute the TV.

The model used here is the "Chromecast with Google TV (HD) Snow". Its about half as fast as the Wii when running QDOS.

The zip download above can be used on any Android device running RetroArch.
The Chromecast is unusual in not having a supported version of RetroArch available in the Play Store.

There are two floppy images and two QubIDE harddrive images bundled in the zip download. The names and locations of these disk images are stored in the config file called "puae_libretro_global.uae".

The location of the "puae_libretro_global.uae" config file is different depending on the version of RetroArch used, so it has been copied to three common locations. If you modify the file, make sure that you modify all 3 copies.

Finally, if you set the "Hotkey Enable" key in RetroArch, it should be possible for a core to have full keyboard support without having to clear all the Hotkeys. However I couldn't get this to work.

That's it.


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Mark Swift
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Re: QDOS on Google TV walkthrough

Post by Mark Swift »

As a footnote I should add...

CTRL-Space is ignored on Android, so I have mapped in ALT-Space as a break combination.

And on other Android devices, you can download and install RetroArch from the Play Store then start from step 3.

QDOSonAndroid.gif (943.6 KiB) Viewed 4707 times

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