3. Most awkward is CTRL-SPACE for QL's break is not available in any of the three keyboard modes, neither is backslash or vertical bar nor cursor arrow keys.
There is a good chance the Ctrl keypress is eaten by Android before browser even sees it unfortunately!
I have to do this on Linux, some ALT and CTL keys are defined by the Linux operating system, so I alter the keyboard definitions in the Linux setup, and all is working
Android keyboards work the same way, just change the keyboard definitions.
If you are struggling, let know with the version of Android and I will help out where possible.
Nice. Used to have an Atari games console in my wild youth. Spent far too long playing space invaders, Superman and other cartridge games on it. All too often when I came home stressed from work, first thing I'd do was switch on and take it out on the aliens.
Sweet memories.
dilwyn wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 5:23 pm
Nice. Used to have an Atari games console in my wild youth. Spent far too long playing space invaders, Superman and other cartridge games on it. All too often when I came home stressed from work, first thing I'd do was switch on and take it out on the aliens.
Sweet memories.
Space Invaders is still my favourite, spent many hours playing it in my youth (that was a long time ago!)
Have got a number of original 2600 consoles and controllers (and a largish collection of original boxed cartridges) so thought I'd get this modern take on the console as it's HDMI
3D printed Sinclair computer miniatures, including ZX80, ZX81, QL, various Spectrums, joystick and cassettes. No microdrives sadly, but my son clearly knows how much I enjoy my Sinclairs!
dilwyn wrote: Mon Dec 25, 2023 5:58 pm
3D printed Sinclair computer miniatures, including ZX80, ZX81, QL, various Spectrums, joystick and cassettes. No microdrives sadly, but my son clearly knows how much I enjoy my Sinclairs!IMG_20231225_175225205~3.jpg
Where's the LIKE button when you need it
Standby alert
“There are four lights!”
Step up to red alert. Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb
Looking forward to summer in Somerset later in the year
QL, Falcon, Atari 520STFM, Atari 1040STE, more PC's than I care to count and an assortment of 8 bit micros (Sinclair and Acorn)(nearly forgot the Psion's)
One inch form-factor hard disk. One of my side interest is mechanical miniaturizations -- I also do N-scale railroading...I'd do Z-scale but I'm too old to see it too clearly I could probably never get the train back on the tracks.
I've a 1GB one I bought for use in a camera back in 2004. Unfortunately I've not found a IDE-CF adapter which is will work with as it has a high power draw when spinning up.
stephen_usher wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:49 am
I've a 1GB one I bought for use in a camera back in 2004. Unfortunately I've not found a IDE-CF adapter which is will work with as it has a high power draw when spinning up.
Interesting. I'm awaiting the arrival of my IDE-CF adapter. I did see this video below where the same adapter I'm getting works with their 1GB and 4GB drives so I'm hopefully it will work.