Quanta Website - What is Missing

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RWAP Master
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Quanta Website - What is Missing

Post by RWAP »

OK, following the new Quanta website maybe we should discuss what is missing from it and what could be added without too much trouble to help new and prospective Quanta members...

From my point of view what is missing is the information in the old Quanta welcome booklet (as this does not appear to be sent out to new members any more)...

a) A copy of the Quanta Constitution
b) The Library Guide in some form or other (even just a simple zip file for people to use on an emulator).
c) What new members can expect from Quanta - ie how long they need to wait to get acknowledgement of their membership - when the magazine should be sent out, is membership still back-dated to the start of the financial year etc.....
d) How to get a hold of copies of the library !
e) The Helpline should have a separate page - maybe some old Helpline questions and answers and a dedicated form (there is no Helpling in the Contact Us page).... If a non-member uses this form to ask a question, then that provides an opportunity to promote Quanta membership to them and explain that the helpline is only for members to use. Otherwise they could be pointed to the QL Forum...

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Re: Quanta Website - What is Missing

Post by Simon_Carr »

This is a good list. I would add that there doesn't seem any point in Quanta having its own helpline, especially when this forum offers a better and more effective service. It would be good to perhaps turn old material on the existing helpline (which I've not seen or used yet) into a static FAQ resource, and then let it drift.

I would like to see a calendar of events: nothing binding, but an indication of what happens through the year (not much, I gather from looking through some discussions), with some warning of potentially Important future events.

Finally, given that Quanta seems to be quite small, a members directory, so that it is possible to find if there other members in the area, from which local groups could spring up...

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Re: Quanta Website - What is Missing

Post by RWAP »

Some improvement - the library guide is now freely available and members can have access to the Quanta Library CD through:


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Re: Quanta Website - What is Missing

Post by dilwyn »

RWAP wrote:Some improvement - the library guide is now freely available and members can have access to the Quanta Library CD through:

This is actually hot off the presses and not officially announced yet, although you may well find that it works.

You may need a members login as well as zip password, can't guarantee it will work properly for everyone yet. It was set up in quite a hurry the other night and I'm sure I don't need to repeat how short my time is at the moment! The library guide download should be fine, but for the CD users may at this moment in time find they need two passwords. Just contact Keith or David using the contact forms if you have problems.

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Re: Quanta Website - What is Missing

Post by RWAP »

Any chance we could have some mention of the QL's 30th anniversary on the Quanta website - there is nothing in the news section dated later than December 2013 !!
Last edited by RWAP on Fri Jan 17, 2014 8:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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