The Q68 comes with an lot of directories and files.
This made me think a file thingy could be useful and fun to make.
This superbasic program uses QLIB TK2 ect.
Off course I saw great programs like Q-Trans and QLcommander etc...
But I liked to give a try myself.
I am sharing this superbasic program as is.
It is not a finished product.
For me it is just something I find useful and fun to make.
A lot works but also many things need more code..
Error trapping is almost none.
Its just about sharing code.
Maybe it is of use for someone.
I will put in this 1st post an update if ever!
The program:
First time: It will make a PROGD$&"tmp" directory
And write a file qxplorer_ini
This file contains the Drives in use
You can off edit this file for you needs
Command: Mostly shown in extra window
arrow l DUP
arrow r DDOWN if cursor is directory
arrow up - dwn the list
pgdwn pgup same but full page
(D)rive change Drives
(F)ilter filters the files as
a = simply all files and directories
starting with a
filter just enter resest to all files
(N)ew make new directory or file
(R)ename a file
(V)iew view a file Ftype 0
(C) Copy file or directory to clipboard
right upper shows the nr of files to paste
(P)aste Paste all files
(M)usic Play a soundfile file .ub
Enter executes an OBJ or EXE Ftype 1
F1 help
ESC Quit program
upd 2 some mistakes solved
The Q68 comes with an lot of directories and files.
This made me think a file thingy could be useful and fun to make.
This superbasic program uses QLIB TK2 ect.
Off course I saw great programs like Q-Trans and QLcommander etc...
But I liked to give a try myself.
I am sharing this superbasic program as is.
It is not a finished product.
For me it is just something I find useful and fun to make.
A lot works but also many things need more code..
Error trapping is almost none.
Its just about sharing code.
Maybe it is of use for someone.
I will put in this 1st post an update if ever!
The program:
First time: It will make a PROGD$&"tmp" directory
And write a file qxplorer_ini
This file contains the Drives in use
You can off edit this file for you needs
Command: Mostly shown in extra window
arrow l DUP
arrow r DDOWN if cursor is directory
arrow up - dwn the list
pgdwn pgup same but full page
(D)rive change Drives
(F)ilter filters the files as
a = simply all files and directories
starting with a
filter just enter resest to all files
(N)ew make new directory or file
(R)ename a file
(V)iew view a file Ftype 0
(C) Copy file or directory to clipboard
right upper shows the nr of files to paste
(P)aste Paste all files
(M)usic Play a soundfile file .ub
Enter executes an OBJ or EXE Ftype 1
F1 help
ESC Quit program
upd 2 some mistakes solved
Last edited by NL_QL_Usr on Sun Jan 07, 2024 10:01 am, edited 9 times in total.
Re: Qxplorer
Update 3
Many changes.
(V)iew views a file ESC returns
when viewing long files you can esc
but it only shows the first 81 char of a line
Enter now exec obj exe ft 1
and plays .ub or _ub files
also ddown when on dire\ctory
(K)ill just stops playing soundfile
(D)rive The ini is not used for drive list
copying, rename, delete, seem ok now
Iv'e made a little routine which list the active drives available
100 REMark find drives NL_QL_USR
110 :
120 DIM drv$(20,3)
130 drv$(0)="WIN":drv$(1)="FLP"
140 drv$(2)="MDV":drv$(3)="FAT"
160 drv%=4
170 CLS
180 PRINT "datad=";DATAD$
190 PRINT "progd=";PROGD$
210 REPeat l
220 FOR d=0 TO drv%
230 FOR n=1 TO 8
240 rr=FTEST(drv$(d)&n&"_")
250 IF rr>=0:PRINT drv$(d)&n&"_",rr
260 END FOR n
270 END FOR d
Although a bit slower
I think it works nice
The ini file is still there
but not (yet) used
Many changes.
(V)iew views a file ESC returns
when viewing long files you can esc
but it only shows the first 81 char of a line
Enter now exec obj exe ft 1
and plays .ub or _ub files
also ddown when on dire\ctory
(K)ill just stops playing soundfile
(D)rive The ini is not used for drive list
copying, rename, delete, seem ok now
Iv'e made a little routine which list the active drives available
100 REMark find drives NL_QL_USR
110 :
120 DIM drv$(20,3)
130 drv$(0)="WIN":drv$(1)="FLP"
140 drv$(2)="MDV":drv$(3)="FAT"
160 drv%=4
170 CLS
180 PRINT "datad=";DATAD$
190 PRINT "progd=";PROGD$
210 REPeat l
220 FOR d=0 TO drv%
230 FOR n=1 TO 8
240 rr=FTEST(drv$(d)&n&"_")
250 IF rr>=0:PRINT drv$(d)&n&"_",rr
260 END FOR n
270 END FOR d
Although a bit slower
I think it works nice
The ini file is still there
but not (yet) used
Re: Qxplorer
update 101
added a sort list
few changes
For now I am satisfied with it.
oops did an upload off the wrong file
is now changed latest is qxplorer101.zip
added a sort list
few changes
For now I am satisfied with it.

oops did an upload off the wrong file
is now changed latest is qxplorer101.zip
Last edited by NL_QL_Usr on Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Qxplorer
Hi NL_QL_Usr
I applaud your efforts, but are unfamiliar with Q_PIPE on Line 280 when run it is listed us an unknown procedure with my setup.
May I also suggest maintain an area bottom of screen for Interpreter command channel#0 keeping this separate from #2 the editor screen while developing code.
Attached is a copy of my FTidySE_pdf.
Expand your horizons with QL SuperBASIC
I applaud your efforts, but are unfamiliar with Q_PIPE on Line 280 when run it is listed us an unknown procedure with my setup.
May I also suggest maintain an area bottom of screen for Interpreter command channel#0 keeping this separate from #2 the editor screen while developing code.
Attached is a copy of my FTidySE_pdf.
Expand your horizons with QL SuperBASIC
- Attachments
- QB02_FTidySE_doc.pdf
- (621.41 KiB) Downloaded 174 times
Re: Qxplorer
Hello Qbits
Thanks for your kind words.
When I see your great work I feel ashamed
Great documentation and very nice written.
The extension Q_PIPE is part of the QLIB extensions QLIB_EXT.
I realize it is far from a good product but I have fun making it. It has been a long time since I did anything with a QL this is a great way off getting some own proc's functions etc again.
By sharing it might just be useful to someone.
Thanks for your kind words.
When I see your great work I feel ashamed

The extension Q_PIPE is part of the QLIB extensions QLIB_EXT.
I realize it is far from a good product but I have fun making it. It has been a long time since I did anything with a QL this is a great way off getting some own proc's functions etc again.
By sharing it might just be useful to someone.
Re: Qxplorer
Hello NL_QL_Usr
I like your work! Somehow it reminds me of XTree, I used that program a lot in early 90's.
I like your work! Somehow it reminds me of XTree, I used that program a lot in early 90's.
- Font of All Knowledge
- Posts: 4610
- Joined: Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:40 am
- Location: Sunny Runcorn, Cheshire, UK
Re: Qxplorer
Just got round looking at this, I must the programme is really good.
I mostly use cursor keys for mouse control and HotKeys for programme launch. So Qxplorer works good for me.
I do most of my SBASIC programming from QD, and use QD/SBAS Thing to load the SBASIC programme into SBASIC interpreter. Which needs all channels explicitly opened. To get Qxplorer to run I had to open channel #0 no really problems. I usually write programmes to open their own channels.
Can the directory tree be stripped off the filenames, and this is displayed above in the display. This could allow multiple column display of filenames.
Have you thought about opening the directory with the the OPEN_DIR command or Toolkit 2 function, FOP_DIR. This would save using pipes.
But really excellent programme, I may use it a lot.
Just got round looking at this, I must the programme is really good.
I mostly use cursor keys for mouse control and HotKeys for programme launch. So Qxplorer works good for me.
I do most of my SBASIC programming from QD, and use QD/SBAS Thing to load the SBASIC programme into SBASIC interpreter. Which needs all channels explicitly opened. To get Qxplorer to run I had to open channel #0 no really problems. I usually write programmes to open their own channels.
Can the directory tree be stripped off the filenames, and this is displayed above in the display. This could allow multiple column display of filenames.
Have you thought about opening the directory with the the OPEN_DIR command or Toolkit 2 function, FOP_DIR. This would save using pipes.
But really excellent programme, I may use it a lot.
Re: Qxplorer
Hey Andrew
Great to hear you like it!!
Hey Derek!
Nice to hear you like it.
For me it is handy also because I hardly ever use a mouse.(On the Q68)
I only just saw your example of TKII from you viewtopic.php?p=28333&hilit=fop_dir#p28333
with Fop_Dir. I tried it at first but did not get good results, but I will try it.
It will probably mean I have to do a lot of rewriting.
And I have a lot off other ideas for programming so I would also like to go to a next project.
Anyway I did a small update again 102 with a little better view (even Quil doc's are a bit readable).

Hey Derek!
Nice to hear you like it.
For me it is handy also because I hardly ever use a mouse.(On the Q68)
I only just saw your example of TKII from you viewtopic.php?p=28333&hilit=fop_dir#p28333
with Fop_Dir. I tried it at first but did not get good results, but I will try it.
It will probably mean I have to do a lot of rewriting.
And I have a lot off other ideas for programming so I would also like to go to a next project.
Anyway I did a small update again 102 with a little better view (even Quil doc's are a bit readable).
Re: Qxplorer
I haven't had time to look at your program so please don't think of this as any form of criticism!
I'd just like to offer some routines, some of which I use in program like my Q-Trans, which may prove useful in file handling programs. You are very welcome to use any of this code if anything proves useful.
1. Read the directory device drivers list into an array called devs$(), to enable only offering devices which exist on the system the program runs. It reads the names of directory device drivers which exist on the system it's run on into the array called devs$. On my QPC2 system, for example, it lists DOS DEV FLP WIN RAM as devices which exist on my system. This is how Q-Trans adjusts its device names to reflect the system it's running on.
2. Directory name functions - to perform actions such as splitting up a filename into directory name, filename and extension parts. Needs Toolkit 2.
3. Using FOP_DIR to allow reading filenames from a directory without having to rely on DIR to a PIPE or ramdisc. Needs Toolkit 2. This particular version reads the entire hard disk (or whatever) and prints each filename from the variable d$ in line 300 - if you wanted to build an array of filenames, use this variable. Also, if you wanted to show directory names as well as filenames, see lines 260 to 270 which are REMmed out as it stands.
4. There are further similar example programs in a zip file on my wesbite which use routines like Extended_DIR to make a variety of file handling programs such as bulk delete, recreate a directory tree, simple file locator, sub-directory copier and so on. https://dilwyn.theqlforum.com/files/hdutils.zip
I just hope something proves useful. Good luck.
I'd just like to offer some routines, some of which I use in program like my Q-Trans, which may prove useful in file handling programs. You are very welcome to use any of this code if anything proves useful.
1. Read the directory device drivers list into an array called devs$(), to enable only offering devices which exist on the system the program runs. It reads the names of directory device drivers which exist on the system it's run on into the array called devs$. On my QPC2 system, for example, it lists DOS DEV FLP WIN RAM as devices which exist on my system. This is how Q-Trans adjusts its device names to reflect the system it's running on.
Code: Select all
100 REMark Read directory devices lists
110 :
120 sv = 163840 : REMark QDOS default system variables address
130 REMark are we on Minerva or SBASIC?
140 v$ = VER$ : IF v$ = 'JSL1' OR v$ = 'HBA' THEN sv= VER$(-2)
150 :
160 REMark get pointer to the directory device driver linked list
170 ad_ptr = PEEK_L(sv+72)
180 :
190 ndevs% = 0 : REMark number of device names
200 longest% = 0 : REMark length of longest name
210 REPeat pass1
220 dnl_ptr = ad_ptr+36 : REMark device name length pointer
230 lon% = PEEK_W(dnl_ptr) : REMark length of name
240 IF lon% > longest% THEN longest% = lon%
250 ndevs% = ndevs%+1 : REMark count number of device names
260 ad_ptr = PEEK_L(ad_ptr) : REMark next linked list entry
270 IF ad_ptr = 0 THEN EXIT pass1 : REMark end of list
280 END REPeat pass1
290 :
300 REMark dimension array to hold device names
310 DIM devs$(ndevs%-1,longest%)
320 :
330 ad_ptr = PEEK_L(sv+72) : REMark restart list
340 ndevs% = 0
350 REPeat pass2
360 dnl_ptr = ad_ptr+36
370 lon = PEEK_W(dnl_ptr)
380 REMark add device driver name to list in devs$() array
390 FOR i = dnl_ptr+2 TO dnl_ptr+lon+1
400 devs$(ndevs%) = devs$(ndevs%) & CHR$(PEEK(i))
410 END FOR i
420 ndevs% = ndevs%+1
430 ad_ptr = PEEK_L(ad_ptr)
440 IF ad_ptr = 0 THEN EXIT pass2
450 END REPeat pass2
460 :
470 CLS : PRINT ndevs%;' devices:'\devs$! : REMark show it worked!
Code: Select all
30000 DEFine FuNction Directory_Name$ (filename$)
30010 LOCal ch,d$
30020 ch = FOP_DIR(filename$)
30030 IF ch < 0 THEN
30040 d$ = ''
30050 ELSE
30060 d$ = FNAME$(#ch)
30070 IF d$ > '' THEN
30080 IF d$(LEN(d$)) <> '_' THEN d$ = d$&'_'
30090 END IF
30100 END IF
30110 RETurn d$
30120 END DEFine Directory_Name$
30130 :
30140 DEFine FuNction Drive_Name$ (filename$)
30150 LOCal d$,ch
30160 d$ = ''
30170 ch = '_' INSTR filename$
30180 IF ch > 0 THEN d$ = filename$(1 TO ch)
30190 RETurn d$
30200 END DEFine Drive_Name$
30210 :
30220 DEFine FuNction Pure_Filename$ (filename$)
30230 LOCal ch,d$
30240 ch = LEN(Drive_Name$(filename$))+LEN(Directory_Name$(filename$))
30250 d$ = ''
30260 IF LEN(filename$) > ch THEN d$ = filename$(ch+1 TO LEN(filename$))
30270 RETurn d$
30280 END DEFine Pure_Filename$
30290 :
30300 DEFine FuNction Extension$ (filename$, separator$, maxlen)
30310 LOCal ch,c,ext$,f$
30320 REMark maxlen is the maximum length of extension permitted
30330 REMark usually '_' or '.' plus three characters
30340 REMark separator$ is '_' (QDOS) or '.' (PC)
30350 f$ = Pure_Filename$(filename$) : REMark remove drive+directory
30360 ext$ = '' : REMark extension string
30370 ch = LEN(f$)-maxlen+1
30380 IF ch < 1 THEN ch = 1
30390 FOR c = LEN(f$) TO ch STEP -1
30400 IF f$(c) = separator$ THEN
30410 ext$ = f$(c TO LEN(f$))
30420 EXIT c
30430 END IF
30440 END FOR c
30450 RETurn ext$
30460 END DEFine Extension$
Code: Select all
100 REMark extended dir of all sub-directories
110 Extended_DIR 'win1_',''
120 :
130 DEFine PROCedure Extended_DIR (drive$,directory$)
140 LOCal loop,ch,d$,fp,n$
150 ch = FOP_DIR (drive$&directory$) : REMark open channel to directory
160 IF ch < 0 THEN RETurn : REMark unable to open directory
170 fp = 14 : REMark file position in directory for filename
180 REPeat loop
190 BGET #ch\fp : IF EOF(#ch) THEN CLOSE #ch : EXIT loop
200 GET #ch,d$ : REMark get directory entry name
210 IF LEN(d$) > 0 THEN
220 REMark a directory length of 0 may be a deleted file
230 BGET #ch\fp-9 : REMark file type byte
240 IF CODE(INKEY$(#ch)) = 255 THEN
250 REMark this name is a subdirectory, so we need to DIR this
260 REMark if you want directory names printed, add this
270 REMark PRINT d$;' ->'
280 Extended_DIR drive$,d$
290 ELSE
300 PRINT d$
310 END IF
320 END IF
330 fp = fp + 64
340 END REPeat loop
350 END DEFine Extended_DIR
I just hope something proves useful. Good luck.
All things QL - https://dilwyn.theqlforum.com
All things QL - https://dilwyn.theqlforum.com
Re: Qxplorer
Hello Dilwyn..
Thanks for your reaction. And off course I am only happy with tips.
I tried the examples and they are great!
It would be nice to update my qxplorer with the extra nice routines. Especially using FOP_DIR will make a lot off difference.
It will take a while I think because it probable means a lot off changes, maybe even having to rewrite it all.
Once again Thank a Lot for your Great site!!!!
It is real great to have so much info there!!
Thanks for your reaction. And off course I am only happy with tips.
I tried the examples and they are great!
It would be nice to update my qxplorer with the extra nice routines. Especially using FOP_DIR will make a lot off difference.
It will take a while I think because it probable means a lot off changes, maybe even having to rewrite it all.
Once again Thank a Lot for your Great site!!!!
It is real great to have so much info there!!