mk79 wrote:Silvester wrote:aalea wrote:Have you problem with play command? any "out of range error"?
Yes, I almost always get that error.
PLAY 'CDEFGAH' is always accepted (but of course no sound).
PLAY 'v8CDEFGAH' sometimes just plays scale (but not always)
PLAY 'v10CDEFGAH' always complains 'out of range' (as do all other commands with arguments in PLAY string)
That is so weird. The code isn't that complex, I went over it in my head halve a dozen times but I cannot explain it. Neither does it trigger in QPC or QemuLator, which it should as the AY hardware is not involved at this stage at all

I'm really looking forward to the eventual solution of this puzzle, but maybe I have to boot up a real QL eventually as well.
I'm not finish yet, because I have not time, and I need to read more documentation, because I'm not very familiar with the M68K architecture, but in any case, I do some experiment:
If disconect the VPA line, and conect it to DTACKL, (directly, or by a 1N4148 diode to the CE pin 20 of the eprom) and in both cases, the interface do not cause errors and PLAY work well, BUT I dont get any sound at all. (with 1.10 and 1.93)
If I connect both (VPA to pin 6 of 74LS03, and DTACKL throught a diode to inverse signal of VPA) there are errors and the QL hang.
So I suspect to a fault in the schematic, and we need aditional circuit to carry VPA only when access 6821 and DTACKL only when read de rom.