QSound and QPrint Interface

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Re: QSound and QPrint Interface

Post by mk79 »

aalea wrote:YES!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: , this time everything work, it boot, sound, and the play command work as expected
Cool :-)
I was able to run the basic files that silvester upload, but I need to modify it, apart from change the sound command to sound_ay,
I need to modify de strings, for example in menuett_bas I need to change the line 300 from:

Code: Select all

300 m3$='sv14l'&sp

Code: Select all

300 m3$='v14l'&sp&'r1r2'
Normally this should be done by line 2000, the release commands. So they do nothing for you?

QSound had an inherent race condition there. On fast platforms like QPC the release line could be executed before the PLAY background job command executed the stop... so in the end it was never released. One could introduce some waits at one point or another, but I decided to introduce special code so the PLAY command remembers that a RELEASE was issued earlier and just not stop at the stop. Possibly this had undesired side effects, would have to check it out more.
what I was not be able to do is test the ayplayer and the qsound device, because i do not know how to launch the program, when I have TK2, i can do something like

ex mdv1_ayplayer mdv1_music_pt3

but without TK2 (because I need the place for the qsound ROM) i only get bad name error in all my tryouts. :(
Well, you could download a RESPR version of TK2 from my homepage if you have enough RAM for it.

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Re: QSound and QPrint Interface

Post by aalea »

mk79 wrote:Normally this should be done by line 2000, the release commands. So they do nothing for you?

QSound had an inherent race condition there. On fast platforms like QPC the release line could be executed before the PLAY background job command executed the stop... so in the end it was never released. One could introduce some waits at one point or another, but I decided to introduce special code so the PLAY command remembers that a RELEASE was issued earlier and just not stop at the stop. Possibly this had undesired side effects, would have to check it out more.

it's hang just in the play 3,.... i put some print for debug and not show even the presentation.
mk79 wrote:Well, you could download a RESPR version of TK2 from my homepage if you have enough RAM for it.
Yes, but, well, Im not sure how to launch the player. If I use:

Code: Select all

ex win1_ayplayer, win1_tune, qsound
The QL hang. If I try a sligh diferent like:

Code: Select all

ex win1_ayplayer ; ´file_that_not_exist,qsound´
I get a windows of ayplayer and a message that say: Unrecognised command string option at position 1

If I write:

Code: Select all

ex win1_ayplayer ; ´win1_file_of real_tune_pt3,qsound´
I get a windows of ayplayer and a message that say: Unrecognised command string option at position 2

so not sure what are I doing wrong.

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Re: QSound and QPrint Interface

Post by Silvester »

Ayplayer doesn't accept input or output files in command string (only command options, see ayplayer_txt). It requires TK2 to allow giving input/output filenames in EX command.

I don't know why EX win1_ayplayer, win1_tune, qsound hangs, can you open a channel to qsound device in Basic to prove device is OK ? (BTW you need to give file_pt3 etc in input filename to identify file type).

I have almost completed my QSound board, so I can test everything soon.

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Re: QSound and QPrint Interface

Post by mk79 »

aalea wrote:it's hang just in the play 3,.... i put some print for debug and not show even the presentation.
Wait, the "PLAY 3,m3$&m"... line doesn't return when you don't insert the start commands? Very unusual :shock:

Code: Select all

ex win1_ayplayer, win1_tune, qsound
Ah, that's Silvester's player. You can also try mine, I've attached it. Start with

Code: Select all

ex win1_ayplay;"win1_pt3_Mmcm_Life_movement_pt3"
for example.

Cheers, Marcel
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Re: QSound and QPrint Interface

Post by RalfR »

Ah, MetaComCo C?

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Re: QSound and QPrint Interface

Post by mk79 »

If you refer to my EXE it's made with C68.

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Re: QSound and QPrint Interface

Post by Derek_Stewart »


My Qsound board, as shown above has through plating damage to the voltage regulator connections.

I can use a 7405 regulator, or could a TSR-1-2450 work the same?


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Re: QSound and QPrint Interface

Post by aalea »

mk79 wrote:
aalea wrote:it's hang just in the play 3,.... i put some print for debug and not show even the presentation.
Wait, the "PLAY 3,m3$&m"... line doesn't return when you don't insert the start commands? Very unusual :shock:
No, sorry, I told lies, I test again and the hang happend with the release 1 command.
mk79 wrote:
mk79 wrote:
Ah, that's Silvester's player. You can also try mine, I've attached it. Start with

Code: Select all

ex win1_ayplay;"win1_pt3_Mmcm_Life_movement_pt3"
for example.
OK, I try, but no sound, open a windows that show the banner line *AYPlay by Marcel....." but no sound a all.

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Re: QSound and QPrint Interface

Post by mk79 »

I've found the problem with RELEASE and a few more in the QSOUND device. Mostly QDOS and 68008 related stuff. I'll have a new ROM tomorrow.

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Re: QSound and QPrint Interface

Post by RalfR »

mk79 wrote:If you refer to my EXE it's made with C68.
Ah, ok, this also calls the program "C_PROG".

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