QLUB Adapter - Initial Release...

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Re: QLUB Adapter - Initial Release...

Post by Derek_Stewart »

Chr$ wrote:Just noticed the Teensy 2.0++ is discontinued.

I bought, 5 on Aliexpress, less expensive than PRC, all work okay.

I will have to get the 5 PCBs I have built and get some cases 3D Printed.


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Re: QLUB Adapter - Initial Release...

Post by Peter »

martyn_hill wrote:Whilst I do not believe that attempting to mimic FSERVE outside of QDOS/SMSQe is a particularly viable option (I could explain why if interested), development of a an FTP-like solution to allow easier browsing and download of files by a native QL from a repository hosted and shared-out via the QLUB without QDOS emulation is certainly doable - in fact I developed a solution for sharing files from a QL to a Spectrum that implements a simple FTP-like mechanism.
There is a standardized simple FTP-like mechanism called TFTP. It is packed-based rather than stream-based, which should be closer to the QLUB methods.
Since TFTP is already supported on the Q68 as part of Wolfgang's UDP suite, and he provides some SBASIC programs around TFTP, it could make sense to have a look.
(I wanted to provide a link here, but the website seems down temporarily.)

The disadvantage of TFTP is the lack of a standardized method for directory listing. There are ways to do it though.
While TFTP is primitive, it proved very useful to directly exchange files between PC and Q68.

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Re: QLUB Adapter - Initial Release...

Post by afx »

(I've asked the question in another thread, but perhaps it's more appropriate here).

Is the native QDOS driver for QL Network access with QLUB available yet?

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Re: QLUB Adapter - Initial Release...

Post by Derek_Stewart »

afx wrote:(I've asked the question in another thread, but perhaps it's more appropriate here).

Is the native QDOS driver for QL Network access with QLUB available yet?
I thought the idea of the QLUB was to use the QL Network device driver to connect QPC2 and QL.

Is this not the case?


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Re: QLUB Adapter - Initial Release...

Post by afx »

Derek_Stewart wrote:I thought the idea of the QLUB was to use the QL Network device driver to connect QPC2 and QL.

Is this not the case?
Hi Derek, as far as I know, Martin has released the Teensy2 software and a file transfer utility (SendFileMQ_bas). The driver for using the QL.NET network with QLUB from the PC emulator is a work in progress by Martin. Is there any news about that driver?

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Re: QLUB Adapter - Initial Release...

Post by Derek_Stewart »

afx wrote:
Derek_Stewart wrote:I thought the idea of the QLUB was to use the QL Network device driver to connect QPC2 and QL.

Is this not the case?
Hi Derek, as far as I know, Martin has released the Teensy2 software and a file transfer utility (SendFileMQ_bas). The driver for using the QL.NET network with QLUB from the PC emulator is a work in progress by Martin. Is there any news about that driver?
Sorry, I thought that there was device driver gor the QLUB Network.


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Re: QLUB Adapter - Initial Release...

Post by martyn_hill »

Hi Derek and friends

Yes, the currently released software is a 'half-way house', allowing the user to transfer files between QL Emulator on PC and the QL (or Spectrum) via the native QL Net, albeit using a SBASIC set of routines to drive the QLUB.

The ultimate aim was - and still is - to complete my work on adapting the native QL NET (and TK2) driver code to drive the QLUB, thus allowing the usual range of SAVE/LOAD commands within the QL Emulator.

I hope to release a new version quite shortly - I'll announce something here once ready :-)

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Re: QLUB Adapter - Initial Release...

Post by martyn_hill »

Hello again, friends!

Just by way of update, you might want to take a look over at viewtopic.php?t=4278 :-)

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Re: QLUB Adapter - Initial Release...

Post by Derek_Stewart »


Can a ZX Spectrum with Interface 1 connect to a QL network, when the QL is running a Spectrum emulator?


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Re: QLUB Adapter - Initial Release...

Post by Pr0f »

I guess that depends on whether the Interface 1 or Disciple interface were part of the emulator - those were the only way to get the ZX Networking hardware

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