Q68 Order Process

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Re: Q68 Order Process

Post by Derek_Stewart »

RichardCGH wrote:Hi Derek

Have watched the video on youtube, and read your comments on it.
The Q68 is a very nifty piece of kit.

Price is very reasonable as well.
Please can you add me to the list of people interested in buying one, with a case :)
Many thanks.

The new video shows a PS/2 - USB converter.
Would I be correct in thinking that if one attaches a USB hub then only peripherals that have Q68 drivers will work ?

You can get USB just about everything these days - printers, floppy drives, hard disks, CD players, SSD, wi-fi dongles etc.
But would any of them work with the Q68 ?
Hi Richard,

I will add you to the Q68 waiting list.


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Re: Q68 Order Process

Post by Derek_Stewart »

bwinkel67 wrote:
RichardCGH wrote: The new video shows a PS/2 - USB converter.
Would I be correct in thinking that if one attaches a USB hub then only peripherals that have Q68 drivers will work ?
The PS/2 to USB converter isn't part of the Q68, it's something I had to buy separately. You can ask Derek if he has one available to sell.

I can try to see if a HUB will work but the only thing the Q68 will work with is mice and keyboards since the connection is PS/2. Note that I was able to have two keyboards and one mouse all working when I tested it.

I had a search on the Internet, for Tripp-Lite, there is a have a mini version of the converter featured in the You Tube Video, for £10 + VAT
TrippLite Mini USB - PS/2 Converter
TrippLite Mini USB - PS/2 Converter
I will see if I can get a hold of one on free return, to see if it works the same way.


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Re: Q68 Order Process

Post by martyn_hill »

Hi Derek
Derek_Stewart wrote:I had a search on the Internet, for Tripp-Lite, there is a have a mini version of the converter featured in the You Tube Video, for £10 + VAT
Whilst its difficult to tell from that image, the device you found looks to be a PS/2 -IN to USB -OUT, were-as what we need is the opposite.

And just to clarify Richard's question about general USB support in Q68 - no, in fact there is no inherent USB support in the Q68 (or, at least none exposed) - what has been discussed here is a USB to PS/2 converter, such that Q68 simply sees the PS/2 that it expects for KB and Mouse.

The challenge for USB support in any QL-like platform has always been the need for a USB-stack to be written for QDOS/SMSQE - far from trivial :-)

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Re: Q68 Order Process

Post by bwinkel67 »

Derek_Stewart wrote: I had a search on the Internet, for Tripp-Lite, there is a have a mini version of the converter featured in the You Tube Video, for £10 + VAT
The one you listed was the USB to PS/2 adapter and those are generally inexpensive. Tripplite also makes the opposite, a PS/2 to USB converter which are more expensive since there is more logic with the onboard device (note the Q68 needs the latter):

https://www.tripplite.com/ps-2-to-usb-c ... r~0DT60002


A quick Google search here in the US finds one for $69.70 with free shipping from NeweggBusiness...I'm sure a similar retailer exists in the UK. That is really inexpensive (less than half of what other manufacturer's like Black Box offer) and they work perfectly.

https://www.neweggbusiness.com/Product/ ... rce=region
Last edited by bwinkel67 on Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:32 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Q68 Order Process

Post by bwinkel67 »

martyn_hill wrote: And just to clarify Richard's question about general USB support in Q68 - no, in fact there is no inherent USB support in the Q68 (or, at least none exposed) - what has been discussed here is a USB to PS/2 converter, such that Q68 simply sees the PS/2 that it expects for KB and Mouse.
Yes, all you get is keyboard and mouse. However, what is interesting with these PS/2 to USB converters is that I was able to plug in two keyboards and a mouse and all three worked. In fact, my mouse was plugged in through my keyboard USB connection and then both keyboard and mouse went to one of the converter's USB plugs, leaving one free and when I plugged another keyboard into that it also worked and I could type on both keyboards and get input and still have a responsive mouse.

I'm not sure they offer a PS/2 hub though likely having two keyboards on the same wiring somehow may work...I don't know PS/2 well enough.

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Re: Q68 Order Process

Post by Derek_Stewart »


Sorry for my error in the adapter I quoted.

The Tripp Lite Minicom 0DT60002, depicted in the message bwinkel67, is expensive aswell. £72.31 from Amazon US, or £ 68 from Insight UK.

Too expensive, I think I will stick a PS/2 keyboard.


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Re: Q68 Order Process

Post by Scout rider »

Hi I’am new to the forum so I hope I’am doing this right
I have seen the YouTube video and I’d like to order a q68 a case and ps/2 splitter

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Re: Q68 Order Process

Post by Derek_Stewart »


I have taken a note of your interest in the Q68, I will add you to the waiting list.

I will contact you by Forum Private Message, when I can complete the order.

Please note, Private Messages are not notified by email like other Forums.

This has been reported to the Forum Admin.


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Re: Q68 Order Process

Post by tomppc »


I am also interested in a q68.


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Re: Q68 Order Process

Post by Derek_Stewart »

tomppc wrote:Hi,

I am also interested in a q68.

Hi Tom,

I have taken note of your interest in the Q68.

I will contact you when I can complete the order


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