New Pointer Environment

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Re: New Pointer Environment

Post by dilwyn »

mk79 wrote:By the way, I'll have a closer look at the code when time permits. I think I've come to the conclusion that it should be included, just 200 something additional bytes is pretty good. A problem might be support from the PE libraries. QPtr is fixed I hear, but if it isn't already supported/prepared to be supported by EasyMenu/EasyPtr in some way I don't think I have the mental strength to add it :mrgreen:
I tend to agree, Marcel. It's a documented feature after all, even if it's not worked as it should for some time.

Easymenu/Easyptr - sounds like that's driven you into premature old age, Marcel :twisted: :D

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Re: New Pointer Environment

Post by HAOUI »

dilwyn wrote: I tend to agree, Marcel. It's a documented feature after all, even if it's not worked as it should for some time.
Thank you Dilwyn for your agreement. If the feature reaches the get ready state one day, I may supply some user guide notes and sample examples, avoiding Norman doing the penible work ;)
I think indexes may be more useful even outside spreedsheets area for all sort of tables specially when scrolled. Also, it opens the way for more (easily) enhancements like selecting a whole column/row or reordering table. Just a thought.

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Re: New Pointer Environment

Post by dilwyn »

I don't think I have ever successfully used the indexes, but I think I can see how useful they might be. As Marcel says, it would be helpful if we find that software such as Easyptr successfully supports it already with a WMAN where it works.

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