Today I Received...

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Re: Today I Received...

Post by NormanDunbar »

Today I received a nice little soldering station. Looks well made, seems to work fine (at least for my needs) and, finally, I have soft cables! My Antex iron has a really hard PVC cable which makes it impossible to manipulate as it fights me all the time. This one doesn't. (Image stolen from amazon!)
The little tin on the top is full of brass shavings to clean your tip. It's a lot deeper than it looks as it's recessed into the body of the station.

The Amazon UK link is ... asin_image if anyone in interested. Not too shabby for £44 which was a "bargain" as I saved a whole £1.00! :D


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Re: Today I Received...

Post by NormanDunbar »

What a week this is turning out to be, today I received in the post, this:
I'm impressed by the quality of the paper and the printing.

If anyone wants or needs a printed copy, Tinyfgpa is the man to see, this link has details viewtopic.php?f=9&t=3294&start=40#p35207.

Thanks Tinyfgpa.


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Re: Today I Received...

Post by xpdualcore »

I received my Q68 today!! Just waiting for a suitable power supply now.. anyone have preferences?

Thanks Derek!!


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Re: Today I Received...

Post by Pr0f »

Well - not yet received - but ordered and on it's way:

I always fancied building one of these but balked at the price of the whole kit - so a project for over the winter months I feel :-) I have a good few of the IC's and connectors already - so the build cost should be fairly low.

Sadly one of the engineers involved in it's design passed away this year :-( RIP

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Re: Today I Received...

Post by vanpeebles »

Pr0f wrote:Well - not yet received - but ordered and on it's way:

I always fancied building one of these but balked at the price of the whole kit - so a project for over the winter months I feel :-) I have a good few of the IC's and connectors already - so the build cost should be fairly low.

Sadly one of the engineers involved in it's design passed away this year :-( RIP
Does it control rows of flashing lights and big spinning tapes?

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Re: Today I Received...

Post by Derek_Stewart »


The Gigaton, was always something I meant have go at building.

Sad news about the designer.

The web site is:


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Re: Today I Received...

Post by Pr0f »

vanpeebles wrote:
Pr0f wrote:Well - not yet received - but ordered and on it's way:

I always fancied building one of these but balked at the price of the whole kit - so a project for over the winter months I feel :-) I have a good few of the IC's and connectors already - so the build cost should be fairly low.

Sadly one of the engineers involved in it's design passed away this year :-( RIP
Does it control rows of flashing lights and big spinning tapes?
first mainframe I worked on was a bit like that - back in the day when 4MB would run the entire company, supporting teleprocessing systems, batch processes and several hundred pages of reports a day...

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Re: Today I Received...

Post by vanpeebles »

Pr0f wrote:
vanpeebles wrote:
Pr0f wrote:Well - not yet received - but ordered and on it's way:

I always fancied building one of these but balked at the price of the whole kit - so a project for over the winter months I feel :-) I have a good few of the IC's and connectors already - so the build cost should be fairly low.

Sadly one of the engineers involved in it's design passed away this year :-( RIP
Does it control rows of flashing lights and big spinning tapes?
first mainframe I worked on was a bit like that - back in the day when 4MB would run the entire company, supporting teleprocessing systems, batch processes and several hundred pages of reports a day...
Bonus points if you had to climb inside :D

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Re: Today I Received...

Post by Pr0f »

No - but I did repair the 8" floppy drive used to load the microcode when you pressed the IML button - with one of the posties larger rubber bands :-)

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Re: Today I Received...

Post by vanpeebles »

Pr0f wrote:No - but I did repair the 8" floppy drive used to load the microcode when you pressed the IML button - with one of the posties larger rubber bands :-)
Haha, that's great :) When I did my school work experience in the early mid 90s, Durham County still had places using 8" drives!

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