Peter wrote:tofro wrote:Seen from a programmer's view, the main difference between QL-based HW and "other" is the video hardware which needs to be treated differently.
Q40/Q60/Q68 all have the original video modes, so they don't
need to be treated differently. Just if you use additional features.
But I
want to use the additional features like hi-res and hi-colour, so I
want to treat them differently. Targetting the BBQL should, of course provide software that also just runs on these machines.
tofro wrote:The fact that some software just doesn't fit into the memory (of whatever size) available, or CPU oompf simply isn't enough is very marginal. So, I tend to see even SG and SGC QLs fitting within this class.
Peter wrote:I don't understand what you mean by "very marginal" for a programmer, if his software does not fit.
I don't write software specifically targetting the unexpanded or lowly-expanded QLs and I don't intend to - I consider this simply too cumbersome and limiting. I have defined QLs with at least a Trump Card or the like as my minimum target. And, realistically, the memory available on a GoldCard on SMSQ/E isn't tremendously more (well, CPU oompf is). The plan of attack when you start designing a program doesn't differ at all whether you target a 640, 896, or GC/SGC QL. Should it turn out that the same piece of software should work on a lesser-spec machine, so fine - someone's been lucky (Like it happened for the Magnetic Scrolls games last year - The games
just about fit into a 640k QL (at least some of them, even if that was not originally intended nor did I expect them to, initially), if you run them without graphics. But if I want these games, I can't make them any smaller - It's either this or no game at all) But expanding your QL to the above really is no problem today anymore with all the options available.
On the other hand, when designing a program, you should be having a bit of pre-planning on whether the problem fits the machine.
If you're browsing through Dilwyn's site, you can find lots of machine code games for the unexpanded or low-spec expanded QL, even if what you can do there is quite limited - There's quite a lot of them from the early days of the QL. There's practically none that will take, for example, really full advantage of 640 or even >800k of memory. Those that require this amount of memory, mainly do because of the choice of development system, not because the game is so extensive. These are
my personal targets, at least for the moment.