Can anyone recommend a good source of microdrive replacement self-adhesive felt in the UK? Having watched the YouTube video of how to do this, I feel confident anough to try to refelt some of my cartridges. Probably not all as I have dozens, but the ones with my own programs on at least to see what rubbish I wrote back in the 80s/90s!
Dilwyn has some of my stuff on his site, but I know there was more, as well as my ZX Spectrum cartridges which I have not tried to read yet.
I bought some of these and with some trimming with a craft knife they look promising and I have had success with them saving a couple of carts from the bin.
That stuff is what I buy too and I've re-felted 200+ by now with no problems and have saved, loaded, formatted etc etc. Some fail, but that's probably due to other cartridge duffness!
Pic of original pads left and newly cut ones on the right.
Collector of QL related computers, accessories and QL games/software.
Ask me about felt pads - I can cut them to size and they have proven excellent for mdv data recovery.
Chr$ wrote:That stuff is what I buy too and I've re-felted 200+ by now with no problems and have saved, loaded, formatted etc etc. Some fail, but that's probably due to other cartridge duffness!
Pic of original pads left and newly cut ones on the right.
pad difference.jpg
Just refelted 4 carts this morning and two were fine, one had corrupted data but formatted fine and one was a no-go but 75% is a good result given how femmer Microdrive carts are.
Vyper68 wrote:Hi
I bought some of these and with some trimming with a craft knife they look promising and I have had success with them saving a couple of carts from the bin.
Do you have an updated link, or at least a picture of it? I'd love to order some and I see several, but I don't know if they're they kind that generates static or not.
Vyper68 wrote:Hi
I bought some of these and with some trimming with a craft knife they look promising and I have had success with them saving a couple of carts from the bin.
Do you have an updated link, or at least a picture of it? I'd love to order some and I see several, but I don't know if they're they kind that generates static or not.
I can sell you some Noel. I don't currently have any on ebay but I've sold 1,500+ ready cut pieces, specially for Sinclair cartridges. Here's a finished one with pics:
Collector of QL related computers, accessories and QL games/software.
Ask me about felt pads - I can cut them to size and they have proven excellent for mdv data recovery.
Vyper68 wrote:
I can sell you some Noel. I don't currently have any on ebay but I've sold 1,500+ ready cut pieces, specially for Sinclair cartridges. Here's a finished one with pics:
Sure, that sounds good. Could you ship them on Monday if I pay for them today? I'm making another video for #QLvember, so hopefully they'll arrive on time. I'll send you a PM. Thanks!
Sorry to hijack this thread - does anyone still have these microdrive felt pads for sale - or can point me in the right direction?
Yes, I can make some up for you. When I had them on ebay it was just too much to do and all I seemed to do was cut up felt pads (fingers got sore so I only make them when someone asks).
Collector of QL related computers, accessories and QL games/software.
Ask me about felt pads - I can cut them to size and they have proven excellent for mdv data recovery.