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Post by dilwyn »

Not wishing to create fright or anything like that, just wanted to ask if any of our QL friends in the worst affected countries have been infected or forced to stay home during all this? I know of a few who are working from home, for example.

On a lighter more positive note, being isolated and at home may well result in a large release of new QL software over the coming months :geek:

Stay safe everyone.
Last edited by dilwyn on Sat Mar 14, 2020 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Covid19

Post by NormanDunbar »

One of my colleagues has come back from a week skiing in an Austrian resort where a case has been discovered. He's got sniffles and is in 14 days isolation. He had a cold before he went.

Other than that, nothing to report. Other than the fact that the tabloid papers need to be shut down, permanently, for causing panic buying just to sell a few effing papers. Scum.

Rant over!


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Re: Covid19

Post by dilwyn »

NormanDunbar wrote:One of my colleagues has come back from a week skiing in an Austrian resort where a case has been discovered. He's got sniffles and is in 14 days isolation. He had a cold before he went.
Other than that, nothing to report. Other than the fact that the tabloid papers need to be shut down, permanently, for causing panic buying just to sell a few effing papers. Scum.
Rant over!
I tend to agree with you, Norman. Both my girlfriend and disabled little brother are somewhat immuno-compromised because of their respective medical histories, they are my main concern, especially trying to minimise risk of secondary infections. I'm quite happy cutting down unnecessary travel and social outings, not to protect myself, but to think of others.

I was thinking of our QL friends in countries such as Italy and Spain, hoping everyone is ok.

Trying to think ahead in terms of extended periods of self-isolating, the likely beneficiaries (apart from the speculators and black marketeers) will be the divorce lawyers, the laptop sellers, the supermarkets who artificially keep the stock of low cost goods down and ensure only the higher profit stuff is available.

Oh, and there will be a population explosion of teenagers in 2033 (think about it - they might be called quaranteens...)

At least while rest of the population is bored stiff at home, we have our QLs to keep us active and happy.

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Re: Covid19

Post by Cristian »

dilwyn wrote:or forced to stay home during all this
Here I am. There are companies still fully active, after improving hygienic rules and restrictions. Many companies are partially operative, other ones decided to adopt safer measures (home working).
The situation is not trivial at all. For the moment, the self-isolation strategy seems to be the most effective response.
Don't panic, but use your heads. And, as Lord Baden Powell always said, be prepared.

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Re: Covid19

Post by bwinkel67 »

Boston is a ghost town as we are all practicing social distancing. Unfortunately the US is a bit chaotic since our leadership (if that is what we can call it) at the top is unorganized. Unfortunately US conservative politics tend to be more reactive which isn't good to deal with this type of crisis. Even Massachusetts has a conservative governor in a state that is otherwise liberal and we declared a state of emergency after many other states with fewer cases.

I work across the border in New Hampshire and we have gone fully online for the remainder of the school year so I will be teaching all of my classes virtually which will take some getting used to (though I've done it once or twice a semester when traveling to conferences). In between I will indeed be indulging in my QL hobby a bit more so at least that I can look forward to :-) Otherwise, not seeing my students will be something I'll miss the most.

Luckily my finance and I don't have any underlying health issues and we are looking forward to the warmer weather so we can go climbing outdoors. We have ceased gym climbing to avoid crowded spaces but we like outdoors much better and that sport/hobby works best with less people.

Hoping everyone stays healthy and my thoughts are with our fellow QL'ers (and everyone else) in Spain and Italy especially.

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Re: Covid19

Post by bixio60 »

Cristian wrote:
dilwyn wrote:or forced to stay home during all this
Here I am. There are companies still fully active, after improving hygienic rules and restrictions. Many companies are partially operative, other ones decided to adopt safer measures (home working).
The situation is not trivial at all. For the moment, the self-isolation strategy seems to be the most effective response.
Don't panic, but use your heads. And, as Lord Baden Powell always said, be prepared.
I am Italian, but live in France. This eve France announced the closure of all commercial activities except essential: food, pharmacy , tabac and banks.
Transportation still operative . But I think from Monday we will be in the same situation as Italy.
Friends are ALL in panic, it is easy to say no panic when the normal world behave up side down. Italian newspaper show only dead people around .....

We are all fine and nobody I know is affected.

As a positive things, I found time to resurrect all my QL devices, this afternoon i un-frozen my Q40 after 10 years of inactivity, linked it to Q60 and also resurrected my Miracle HD and .............. :) I lost control of all my QL emulator and Hardware I have around...... :D

Moving forward and no panic.

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Re: Covid19

Post by RalfR »

bwinkel67 wrote:Unfortunately the US is a bit chaotic since our leadership (if that is what we can call it) at the top is unorganized.

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Re: Covid19

Post by dex »

One of my yesterday contacts lies today on ICU with artificial ventilation due to pneumonia.
So I was told to stay at home and wait for his SARS-CoV-2 results - but no news yet.

I was playing with QLirc on BBQL, but with no real success.

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Re: Covid19

Post by stevepoole »

Hi Folks,
Being 71 I will have to stay indoors here in Normandy, even though there are no known cases in our area yet.
People risk being like lions in cages as Dilwyn pointed out. Either pacing up and down in their bedsits or just lying down depressed.
Personally I have to write a conference on 'free trade', originating from William the Conqueror's chancellor. (The laws of Breteuil).
Also the QL 'Travelling Salesman Program' team have to set up our QPCs as servers using javascript, C++ and php. This means our computers may be vulnerable to viruses.... without the possibility of quaranteen ! '"Q oh no ... via us !"

This crisis may serve to prepare people to make urgent measures to reduce climate change too though...

Take care everybody.

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Re: Covid19

Post by Andrew »

Hi all
In Romania we already have 123 cases of COVID-19 and the number is expected to raise quickly, as many romanians working abroad came back for Easter holiday, mainly from Italy, UK and Spain. The good part is that most of these cases were already in quarantine. Today the president declared "State of Emergency" - I do not yet know what this will really mean for us, for our daily life. All IT companies are in "work from home" mode, and also most multinationals (at least those who really can work from home). All schools were closed 1 week ago and in all families that have children under the age of 12 one parent can stay at home.
Traffic is restricted and there are lots of police filters targeting international transport.
People started to panic and shops are getting empty - but we still have toilet paper :D
On the fun side most of the government is in "self-isolation" because a senator from the ruling party was infected and participated in a government meeting.
