MDV1_: dead or alive?

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ROM Dongle
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MDV1_: dead or alive?

Post by flaviosr »

Dear All,

in another thread I was discussing on how to bring to full like my new (old) QL.
Everything is almost done apart tMDV1_...
When I bought this QL I had to replace the membrane.
When done I noticed the MDV1_ was stuck. No moving from the motor, only led flashing.
Now I opened again the QL and... the MDV1_ is running BUT it does not see what's in the cartridge! Obviously MDV2_ is ok.
The motor is spinning and the QL sees the drive BUT cannot see the data!
Before making damage, do you have any suggestions in case the problem is "stupid"?
Solution one: clean the heads! :) Any suggestion on what to use? Alcool?
Other ideas?

In case I have to replace the drive and, again, before making any damage: how can I remove the drive?

Thank you

RWAP Master
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Re: MDV1_: dead or alive?

Post by RWAP »

Over the years, I generally have come across more QLs with a faulty mdv1_ and working mdv2_ than the other way around.

This is because of the extra wear and tear on mdv1_ from loading programs.

I know there was a thread some years ago about general microdrive maintenance - have a look at:

for example.

If the motor was not turning originally, my guess is that the roller has ridden up the shaft and was stuck on the case top!

You can always try the roller from mdv2_ to see if that helps.

It could also be the tape heads (I assume you have cleaned this) - although the tape heads might be damaged. As a last resort it could mean replacing the microdrive ula or the whole unit.

Removing a microdrive is easy - there is one long screw directly underneath it, and then two smaller screws in the top of the unit (bottom left and top right of each microdrive). However, the flexible cables are a real pain to replace if you disturb them (I tend to cut up a chip socket and fit that to the end of the cables before plugging into the motherboard) - it could well be that someone else has opened the QL and not replaced these cables properly (it is so easy to bend a pin!)

ROM Dongle
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Re: MDV1_: dead or alive?

Post by flaviosr »

RWAP wrote:Over the years, I generally have come across more QLs with a faulty mdv1_ and working mdv2_ than the other way around.

This is because of the extra wear and tear on mdv1_ from loading programs.

I know there was a thread some years ago about general microdrive maintenance - have a look at:

for example.

If the motor was not turning originally, my guess is that the roller has ridden up the shaft and was stuck on the case top!

You can always try the roller from mdv2_ to see if that helps.

It could also be the tape heads (I assume you have cleaned this) - although the tape heads might be damaged. As a last resort it could mean replacing the microdrive ula or the whole unit.

Removing a microdrive is easy - there is one long screw directly underneath it, and then two smaller screws in the top of the unit (bottom left and top right of each microdrive). However, the flexible cables are a real pain to replace if you disturb them (I tend to cut up a chip socket and fit that to the end of the cables before plugging into the motherboard) - it could well be that someone else has opened the QL and not replaced these cables properly (it is so easy to bend a pin!)
I decided to buy a new old MDV1_ (i found one from England), hoping it works...
Anyway I also wanted to try again cleaning my MDV1_ and I had some results... now the microdrive reads something like in the "MDV1_ picture"... the cart is ok since it's correctly readable by MDV2_ like in the "MDV2_ picture".
I have check what's in the 3d you sent me everything seems ok:
1. the cart felt is ok;
2. I have cleaned twice the heads;
3. the roller seems in the right position but it also seems is more slicky and a bit smaller than the one of MDV2_.
My idea is that surely the heads had (are?) to be cleaned very well but also the roller could be an issue and I do not want to make strange tests risking to ruin the carts!
I have used alcool to clean the head: what do you think? Other suggestions?

Apart other ideas about the cleaning process, now I wait the new MDV1_ with the fear about the difficuly about mounting it!

Thank you

RWAP Master
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Re: MDV1_: dead or alive?

Post by RWAP »

Did you try turning the roller on mdv1_ upside down (it is the top half which wears away)?

Did you try using the mdv2_ roller in mdv1_

Just clean the tape heads and the roller possibly - alcohol is the only thing to use - and do not be too rough!

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