
Discussion and advice about emulating the QL on other machines.
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Post by chernandezba »


I have uploaded a new ZEsarUX stable version :)
This is ZEsarUX 7.0
There are a lot of new features added, more than ever!

You can download the source code, as well as compiled versions for Linux, Mac, Windows and Raspberry Pi from:

The Changelog is:

Version 7.0. 25 May 2018 - Xeno edition

Added ZX-Evolution BaseConf emulation
Added BetaDisk and TR-DOS emulation
Added Spectrum +3 emulation
Added Spectrum keyboard ghosting error feature
Added ZX Spectrum Recreated keyboard support
Added improved Spectrum 16/48/+ colour palette
Added a fast spectrum core (with some features disabled) just for slow devices, like Raspberry Pi 1/Zero. Now ZEsarUX is playable on RPi1/Zero again!
Added setting to write protect IDE, MMC, ZX-Uno Flash
Added setting to show changelog when updating emulator version
Added actions to file utilities menu: Copy, Move, Rename
Added setting to disable persistent writes on IDE and MMC
Added setting to add a watermark on the display
Added setting to reduce display to a factor of 0.75. Used on RunZX event
Added setting to save spectrum screen to pbm file (black&white)
Added a setting to dump ram contents to file when exiting ZEsarUX, ideal to run automatic tests
Added setting to exit emulator after a number of seconds (--exit-after)
Added experimental simulation of the SAA1099 audio chip from the Sam Coupe
Added second Easter Egg ;)
Added third Easter Egg ;)

Improved debugging:
* new enhanced debug cpu menu: view TV electron position on screen, new default view, cursor, toggle breakpoints, run to cursor, change registers, and a lot more...
* added cpu-step-over function on debug menu (was already available from ZRCP)
* added function to write byte to file on ZEsarUX hardware debug ports

Improved ZRCP:
* run command is stopped by default when pressing a key (or sending data to the socket)
* when a breakpoint is fired on cpu-step-mode, the breakpoint condition is shown on ZRCP

Improved joystick support:
* added joystick test menu
* buttons to events and buttons to joystick configuration are saved on configuration file

Improved OSD keyboard:
* now you can press up to all 40 keys (on Spectrum/ZX80/ZX81) at the same time
* now it can be opened from any place (needs multitask on)

Improved QL emulation:
* experimental support of LOAD, LRUN command
* can now open qlay mdv microdrive image files

Improved file viewer from file utilities:
* specific file viewers for these kind of files: .tap, .zx, .zsf, .sp, .z80, .sna, .spg, .p, .o, .mmc/.ide (fat browser, plus3dos browser), .dsk, .trd, .tzx, .cdt, .flash (zxuno flash, z88 flash, superupgrade flash), .epr, .eprom
* default hexadecimal file viewer for unknown files
* conversion utility

Improved TSConf emulation:
* added TSConf DMA, line interrupt, sprites layers
* TSConf rendering: now tiles and sprites are drawn per scanline. Border drawing. Handling of scroll registers
* TSConf debugging: debug for DMA, Video registers, Video layers, Sprites, Tiles
* added TR-DOS emulation support

Improved menu interface:
* emulated machine display is no longer faded or switched to black & white when opening menu. There were different visual glitches due to this feature
* a new "tabbed" menus to improve usability and interaction with mouse, joystick and stdout driver: waveform, visualmem, ay player
* Character width can be reduced to 7,6 or 5 pixels width
* added a setting to limit menu event: enabling it you should press the menu key 3 times in a second to open the menu
* added a setting to hide directories from file selector menus, useful when you don't want the user to be able to navigate the filesystem
* Smartload: now the cursor remembers last file loaded
* added two more GUI styles: Clean and CleanInverse

Improved sprite viewer:
* now can see sprites with speccy screen format
* you can view sprites up to 512x192
* you can see tsconf sprites
* you can see pseudo hires zx81 screens

Improved TBBlue emulation:
* Added clip window registers
* Added Copper
* Added almost all next extended opcodes
* Added a setting to start TBBlue directly to a 48 rom but with all the Next features enabled, useful for fast snapshot loading

Improved AY Player: now shows waveform volume meter
Improved VU meters with decay effect on AY Player, AY Registers and Waveform
Improved text mode drivers (aalib, stdout, simpletext, curses): text settings are in different submenu, setting to set stdout/simpletext fps
Improved messages windows. You can now have an internal clipboard, press key c to copy to it. Press P on file utils to paste contents to a file
Improved frameskip: better performance, because realvideo buffer is not updated when frameskip
Improved sound: Silence detector activated by default but can be disabled
Improved top speed: loading sound is distorted when setting top speed
Improved autoload: new setting to run at top speed the reset+load"" process
Improved real tape loading: now it shows a percentage of tape loaded
Improved default configuration: when the configuration file doesn't exist, the new one has the autosave configuration setting enabled
Improved configuration parsing: if unknown setting found on configuration file, ZEsarUX will open but warns about the error, and the autosave feature is not enabled
Improved rendering on text mode drivers: now realvideo mode can render directly to black&white text. Try TSConf with --vo stdout --realvideo --autoredrawstdout
Improved Linux library dependencies: libssl is not enabled by default on compilation

Fixed ZX-Uno emulation:
* 128kb timings are the same as a Spectrum 128k. When port 1ffd enabled, port FF return FF
* Kempston port returns 0 when no kempston selected. New BIOS can be used now

Fixed TBBlue MMU when using segment 0000-3FFFH
Fixed Raster interrupts on ZX-Uno and TBBlue. Horizontal raster position was wrong
Fixed window footer when running Pentagon
Fixed panic screen: now it is shown on all machines. New design. I hope you never see it ;)
Fixed some crashes with speech enabled and opening some menus: AY Registers, AY Player, etc...
Fixed annoying sound on Dandanator rom menu
Fixed bug on Z80 cpu core, iff2 was not being reset to 0 when firing an interrupt, so reading it by using LD A,R and LD A,I affected many demos

Some other minor bugfixes and improvements


I hope you like it!



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Re: ZEsarUX-7.0

Post by Sparrowhawk »

So, just a small release then? ;) :D

Great work, congratulations.

a.k.a. Jean-Yves
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Re: ZEsarUX-7.0

Post by chernandezba »

Sparrowhawk wrote:So, just a small release then? ;) :D

Great work, congratulations.

hehehe very small! :P

Thanks!! :)


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Re: ZEsarUX-7.0

Post by Derek_Stewart »


I downloaded the Linux source, which compiled okay on my Linux Mint 18.3 x64 laptop. The emulator runs very nicely.

I noticed in the German Forum, where someone asked about the Windows compiled executable, I downloaded the Windows version, which ran very smoothely under WINE.

Just makes me wonder is it better to run under a native compiled application or a WINE application. Both seem to run good.


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Re: ZEsarUX-7.0

Post by chernandezba »

Derek_Stewart wrote:Hi,

I downloaded the Linux source, which compiled okay on my Linux Mint 18.3 x64 laptop. The emulator runs very nicely.

I noticed in the German Forum, where someone asked about the Windows compiled executable, I downloaded the Windows version, which ran very smoothely under WINE.

Just makes me wonder is it better to run under a native compiled application or a WINE application. Both seem to run good.
I don't see any reason to run the Windows version inside wine in Linux. Why don't you use the native Linux version?
All software will run better on its native operating system.... (well the exception was OS/2, which ran better Windows applications in OS/2 than running them on Windows... but that's another story ;) )


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Re: ZEsarUX-7.0

Post by robheaton »

I’ve been using the Mac version all weekend for some zx81 work, it seems rock solid!

Nice work on the release!

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Re: ZEsarUX-7.0

Post by chernandezba »

robheaton wrote:I’ve been using the Mac version all weekend for some zx81 work, it seems rock solid!

Nice work on the release!
Great! Thanks


ZX Second-Emulator And Released for UniX
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