SMSQ/E Update

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SMSQ/E Update

Post by pjw »

Of course, its none of my business, but I thought it would be a Good Thing to pass on this message, as WL doesnt come here:
Wolf via QL-users wrote:Hi all,

SMSQ/E 3.33 is out, get it as usual from

What's new in this version :

Final bugfix for LRESPR in procedures (means everybody should upgrade)
Better QL networking.
Gold card is configured not to use ABC keyboard.
Improvements in standard QL EE.
Q68 & SMSQmulator better SSSS handling.

The sources for the stand-alone TK II are included in the SMSQ/E sources.
Moreover, whilst they aren't really part of SMSQE, the new QL-SD drivers are built on the basis of the SMSQ/E "dv3" driver acihtecture, so their sources are also included in the SMSQ/E sources (remember, the compiled drivers are at

If you have a Qx0 machine and access to an EPROM burner, this may be of interest to you : The Qx0 may now have a compressed SMSQ/E so newer versions thereof fit in the standard EPROMs. There is a certain process involved in making these EPROMs - but it is clealy described in the "smsq_q40_boot_doc" or "smsq_q40_boot_txt" files in the SMSQ/E sources.

Finally, Q68 has better handling of some slower SDHC cards. Also, and that is an officially unofficial and undocumented feature, the Q68 may also be able to read most older SD (not SDHC) cards. However, make sure that this actually works with your cards before using them in earnest. Offficially, the Q68 still only supports SDHC cards.

Have fun!
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Re: SMSQ/E Update

Post by mk79 »

pjw wrote:Of course, its none of my business, but I thought it would be a Good Thing to pass on this message, as WL doesnt come here:
If I remember correctly he had some reservations concerning the terms of service for this forum. They seem pretty fair in my eyes, but unlike WL I‘m not a lawyer...

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Re: SMSQ/E Update

Post by vezhlys »

He also released SMSQmulator 2.26 :).

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Re: SMSQ/E Update

Post by vanpeebles »

mk79 wrote:
pjw wrote:Of course, its none of my business, but I thought it would be a Good Thing to pass on this message, as WL doesnt come here:
If I remember correctly he had some reservations concerning the terms of service for this forum. They seem pretty fair in my eyes, but unlike WL I‘m not a lawyer...
Such as??? :?:

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Re: SMSQ/E Update

Post by Derek_Stewart »

mk79 wrote:
pjw wrote:Of course, its none of my business, but I thought it would be a Good Thing to pass on this message, as WL doesnt come here:
If I remember correctly he had some reservations concerning the terms of service for this forum. They seem pretty fair in my eyes, but unlike WL I‘m not a lawyer...

I read the QL Forum, via an RSS Feed into Thunderbird Email Client, any replies to QL Forum messages, I enter via authenticated web access. So no problems here.

Maybe there is a silly EU security issue...


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Re: SMSQ/E Update

Post by mk79 »

vanpeebles wrote:Such as??? :?:
I have no idea, maybe the „they can change at any time“ part, but that‘s just a guess from me.

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