QLWiki - Now online in its new home.

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QLWiki - Now online in its new home.

Post by NormanDunbar »

The QL WIki, created and mostly maintained by Rich Mellor has been converted to DokuWiki and has a new home. It is living alongside the QL Forum thanks to an offer of free hosting from Rob Heaton. Other people also made similar offers, but Rob's was the one taken up. Thanks all.

The Wiki can be found here:


... until such time as this propagates throughout DNS servers the world over:


Try the latter first, if it isn't available, try the former.

EDIT: Everything below...

You will need to register to be able to update the Wiki. You //do not// need to register if you only want to read the Wiki. It would be nice if everyone who read the wiki also helped maintain it though. Registration is via the big green button at t he top of the screen. You will need to supply your desired username - no spaces or punctuation please - your real name, and your valid email. You will also have to enter some letters/digits etc to prove that you are human. (I failed!)

DO NOT enter any of the displayed spaces etc, only the letters are required. For example, if the prompt is "ABC D E F" then you must enter only "ABCDEF" or it will fail you.

You will be sent an email with a randomly generated password. When you login, click the button at the top of the screen with the "person" image on it, then select Update Profile. Please make sure that your password is secure, not easily guessed and not a dictionary word with a few (obvious) letters changed to numbers.

Last edited by NormanDunbar on Mon Sep 04, 2017 12:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: QLWiki - Now onlin in its new home.

Post by martyn_hill »

Looking good (via the first URL)!

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Re: QLWiki - Now onlin in its new home.

Post by RWAP »

OK - now what we need is a line to add to the .htaccess for the original QL Wiki to redirect all calls to the correct page on the new wiki

Ideally, I would also still like to see wiki.sinclairql.net and wiki.sinclairql.com similarly point to the same Wiki (or run mirrors), as this will help with SEO having 3 supposed QL Wiki websites, albeit using the same database....

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Re: QLWiki - Now onlin in its new home.

Post by NormanDunbar »

The first url, http://qlwiki.theqlforum.com, hasn't made it's way here yet, so I've updated Rich's update on the old Wiki, to add in a link to the http://theqlforum.com/qlwiki url, just in case anyone else is in the same boat DNS wise.

Regarding Rich's request for a/an .htaccess entry, that's beyond my abilities and security clearances I'm afraid, so I'll leave that to someone who can! ;)

I've taken the liberty of not importing the previous userlist from the old Wiki. This will help avoid having potentially vulnerable login accounts. I really don't want anything happening on the Wiki that's going to affect the Forum, so sorry if it causes you grief, but please register again. You only need to register if you are intending to update anything, readers of the Wiki do not need to register - at this time anyway - but that option is easily changed so that only registered users can read and/or update. But I don;t think that's what we want.



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Re: QLWiki - Now onlin in its new home.

Post by robheaton »

Vanpeebles is sorting the DNS entry for qlwiki.theqlforum.com and or wiki.theqlforum.com

This should be completed tonight.

The next stage is to work with Urs to organise a mirror of the WIKI.

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Re: QLWiki - Now onlin in its new home.

Post by robheaton »

DNS has now been updated and the subdomains look like they are working.

There is an upgrade on the Forum hosting account going through, which will support the new subdomains properly, rather than the redirect currently in place.

I'll keep you guys posted!

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Re: QLWiki - Now onlin in its new home.

Post by robheaton »

Hosting upgrade has completed, so the new subdomains should be working properly now.

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Re: QLWiki - Now onlin in its new home.

Post by RWAP »

There is an issue with the qlwiki.theqlforum.com link...

http://qlwiki.theqlforum.com/doku.php?id ... cade_games

works :D

However, clicking on a link gives a 500 server error, because the link becomes:

http://qlwiki.theqlforum.com/qlwiki/doku ... in_3d_land

When it should be

http://qlwiki.theqlforum.com/doku.php?id ... in_3d_land

You need to change the .htaccess to remove the /qlwiki/ sub-directory when the domain is qlwiki.theqlforum.com

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Re: QLWiki - Now onlin in its new home.

Post by robheaton »

RWAP wrote:There is an issue with the qlwiki.theqlforum.com link...

http://qlwiki.theqlforum.com/doku.php?id ... cade_games

works :D

However, clicking on a link gives a 500 server error, because the link becomes:

http://qlwiki.theqlforum.com/qlwiki/doku ... in_3d_land

When it should be

http://qlwiki.theqlforum.com/doku.php?id ... in_3d_land

You need to change the .htaccess to remove the /qlwiki/ sub-directory when the domain is qlwiki.theqlforum.com
This should be fixed now! :D

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Re: QLWiki - Now online in its new home.

Post by NormanDunbar »

Hi Rob,

Qlwiki.theqlforum.com is fine, links work etc.

Qlforum.co.uk/qlwiki seems to lose the css etc. You get all the text but is just the text.

Or is it just me?


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