swensont wrote:... and had Sun-2 workstations in his office.
...at least a proper CPU, then

swensont wrote:... and had Sun-2 workstations in his office.
I had a Spectrum for two years before buying a QL and did lots of programming on both machines. The architecture of the QL is very different from the Spectrum, even when only considering Basic programming. The Spectrum's Basic is unstructured and needs GOTOs and GOSUBs, while SuperBasic looks more like Pascal and C.tofro wrote: (...)
My own experience as a long-time owner of all Spectrums ever made who changed to the QL soon after its launch: I operated the two computers in parallel: The Spectrum was used for games, the QL for more down-to-earth things like programming and "serious applications". I never really went into emulation and never felt the need to go into it. I'm pretty sure I never even tried an emulator back in the days. The few things I brought over to the QL from the Spectrum were text files and databases, those were transferred using the serial port and the ZX network. Today, speed of emulated machines is no longer really a problem - But why should you emulate a Spectrum on an emulated QL when you can do the same thing directly on the PC?