QemuLator OUTLN with SMSQ_QEM

Discussion and advice about emulating the QL on other machines.
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Re: QemuLator OUTLN with SMSQ_QEM

Post by dilwyn »

I think I've sort of figured out what's going on, but it'll have to wait for Daniele to confirm or explain fully.

QemuLator seems to have two screen areas in the hires modes of SMSQ/E, the hires/high colour screen and a QL-style screen area (you see them both when toggling full screen with F12).

The BASIC windows seem to be mapped onto the 512x256 area, hence why OUTLN and WINDOW can't make windows bigger than 512x256 when the display is in a higher resolution mode, e.g. 1024x512 or 10124x768. The good news is that a compiled BASIC program is not limited to the 512x256 area.

Hopefully, Daniele will correct me if I'm wrong.

Ralf R.

Re: QemuLator OUTLN with SMSQ_QEM

Post by Ralf R. »

dilwyn wrote:The BASIC windows seem to be mapped onto the 512x256 area, hence why OUTLN and WINDOW can't make windows bigger than 512x256 when the display is in a higher resolution mode, e.g. 1024x512 or 10124x768. The good news is that a compiled BASIC program is not limited to the 512x256 area.
Seems strange to me, as SuperBASIC is also a Job. How would you try to test programs, if not under SuperBASIC?

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