SOLVED !! resurrecting one time the original rom plus kludge

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SOLVED !! resurrecting one time the original rom plus kludge

Post by techy »

Must be my old age ,

But what do i need to make a one-time project of a set of rom's plus the kludge ?

Which version of rom and how to split them ?
Last edited by techy on Tue Mar 11, 2025 10:48 am, edited 2 times in total.

Zx80-1/3k exp.-zx81-16k exp.- Spectrum 48 - Spectrum+ -Spectrum 128- Interface 1 - DIVide - Zx flashcard- Zx printer - Ram turbo - Velleman interface system - Currah microspeech - Ql - Miracle 512k exp.- Ql printer - Cst Qdisk interf.- Qubide - Double 3.5 floppy- Minerva - Ice 1.9 - Ql Usb mouse adapter - Qimi-and much more .
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Re: resurrecting one time the original rom plus kludge

Post by Chr$ »

You need to split the 48K ROM file into equal chunks of 16K each (starting 0000h, 4000h and 8000h). The first 2 parts fit in the internal QL sockets and the last 16K goes on the ROM Dongle.

A good ROM dongle PCB from Aalea can be found here:


The dongle has 2 spaces/sockets, one for the last chunk of the 48K OS ROM and another for the 16K external ROM starting at C000h, for TK2 or many other ROM extensions that normally occupy that space.

And you'll have to play around with the soldered jumpers on the QL PCB to configure it for 2x 16K on the main board. Details on the configuration is on the service manual schematic page.

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Re: resurrecting one time the original rom plus kludge

Post by techy »

Thank you ,

All clear now , i have that pcb so only some time needed to get everything ready

Zx80-1/3k exp.-zx81-16k exp.- Spectrum 48 - Spectrum+ -Spectrum 128- Interface 1 - DIVide - Zx flashcard- Zx printer - Ram turbo - Velleman interface system - Currah microspeech - Ql - Miracle 512k exp.- Ql printer - Cst Qdisk interf.- Qubide - Double 3.5 floppy- Minerva - Ice 1.9 - Ql Usb mouse adapter - Qimi-and much more .
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Re: resurrecting one time the original rom plus kludge

Post by techy »

Alright ,

3 16k eproms made out of the rom .bin ,

pcb equipped with all components .

= only the jumper settings are totally unclear ,

Can you please give me a bit more info in that please

Zx80-1/3k exp.-zx81-16k exp.- Spectrum 48 - Spectrum+ -Spectrum 128- Interface 1 - DIVide - Zx flashcard- Zx printer - Ram turbo - Velleman interface system - Currah microspeech - Ql - Miracle 512k exp.- Ql printer - Cst Qdisk interf.- Qubide - Double 3.5 floppy- Minerva - Ice 1.9 - Ql Usb mouse adapter - Qimi-and much more .
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Re: resurrecting one time the original rom plus kludge

Post by Chr$ »

Do you have IC17 present? That's a 74LS00 to the right of the right ROM or at least a socket for one. If not, it'll be a bit more complicated.
The above shows the ROM config from the schematic.
No. 8 is the one you want.... 2x 27C128 (or you can also use 27C256 with the data written to the higher part of the chips or simply written twice to fill exactly 32k).

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Re: resurrecting one time the original rom plus kludge

Post by Marcel_X »

I was planning to order a few of the Kludge boards designed by Alvaro. Seems like he has done a neat job. Chr$, did you verify that the dimensions are close enough to the original?

I bought a vacuum former a while ago and I would like to make some casings as well. Unfortunately I don't have an original. And hats off for having the guts to poor plaster in the original one :-)

In the other thread you mentioned that the upper part of the mold should be 21mm. Alvaro's version is only 15mm. And there are very few images that I could find online. If you or anyone else has some pictures from all sides and a few basic dimensions I could model up a mold that is printable. I did a similar thing for the insert of a ZX Spectrum cartridge. Still need to sand it a bit more, but the first pull was already usable.

Can you guess the thickness of the original material? I have black HIPS in various thicknesses.
Original on the left, copy on the right.

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Re: resurrecting one time the original rom plus kludge

Post by techy »

@Chr$ ,

Is ic 17 needed to get the 3 rom option working ??

Luckily i have a iss5 board available with an empty ic 17 socket .

Zx80-1/3k exp.-zx81-16k exp.- Spectrum 48 - Spectrum+ -Spectrum 128- Interface 1 - DIVide - Zx flashcard- Zx printer - Ram turbo - Velleman interface system - Currah microspeech - Ql - Miracle 512k exp.- Ql printer - Cst Qdisk interf.- Qubide - Double 3.5 floppy- Minerva - Ice 1.9 - Ql Usb mouse adapter - Qimi-and much more .
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Re: resurrecting one time the original rom plus kludge

Post by Marcel_X »

Hi Techy,

I'm not an expert, but I just had a look in the service manual and the issue 5 schematics. By the looks of it, if the 74LS00 is not installed both sockets are in parallel.
With the 74LS00 in place and the necessary links (!) you should be able to use two 16K internal EPROMs. Maybe CHR$ can comment on this.
I've taken some pictures from the service manual which may be of help.
Do you already have your ROM split? I have quite a few 27128 laying around. Do you have a programmer?
Issue 5, 74LS00
Issue 5, 74LS00

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Re: resurrecting one time the original rom plus kludge

Post by Marcel_X »

Oh, and thanks to Techy I now have two Kludge boards. I made the molds that I believe Alvaro designed.
First draw was sort of okay. Unfortunately I only have 0.5mm black HIPS for now, so these are a bit flimsy. I did a second draw with 1.0mm HIPS and these feel a lot better. I will try to do another one tomorrow with 1.5mm. Unfortunately also in white (limited edition...?)

The current molds don't have any draft angles, so it is f#^$%ng hard to release them from the plastic without deforming it. And what I read in another post is that the height might not be correct. If anyone could take some pictures straight from all sides with basic measurements, I could redraw the molds. I found a few decent pictures on the forum, but they were taken in perspective. I'd like to use pictures in my CAD program as a canvas to draw onto.

If anyone can confirm the actual thickness of the plastic of the original, that would be much appreciated! And if there's one for sale, I'd gladly pay for that!

Cheers, Marcel
First draw with 0.5mm HIPS
First draw with 0.5mm HIPS
Sort of fits, but a bit flimsy
Sort of fits, but a bit flimsy
Second draw with 1.0mm white HPS
Second draw with 1.0mm white HPS
Last edited by Marcel_X on Sun Mar 09, 2025 11:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: resurrecting one time the original rom plus kludge

Post by techy »

@ Marcel ,

I am currently modifying one of my older ql's to go for the 3 x 16k route.

Eproms have been made .

ls00 has been found , links need to be soldered.


3d vacuum looks very good maybe the 1mm is the thickness to go for .

Zx80-1/3k exp.-zx81-16k exp.- Spectrum 48 - Spectrum+ -Spectrum 128- Interface 1 - DIVide - Zx flashcard- Zx printer - Ram turbo - Velleman interface system - Currah microspeech - Ql - Miracle 512k exp.- Ql printer - Cst Qdisk interf.- Qubide - Double 3.5 floppy- Minerva - Ice 1.9 - Ql Usb mouse adapter - Qimi-and much more .
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