As multi-rom boards for the QL never seem to come up on eBay I'm trying to find another solution
I believe it's possible to remove the ROMs and use a modified rom port cartridge instead, but that means the rom port is then tied up
So my thought is to use one of Chr$ excellent ROM boards which I'll fit with a ZIF socket and have it outside the case on the end of a ribbon cable
But does anyone know where I might find a header to fit one of the ROM sockets with a ribbon cable I could route to the outside (ideally it would have a socket on other end already so I don't have any soldering to do) please?
This is the sort of thing, but a plug at one end and a socket at the other:
Many thanks
Ribbon Cable for Internal ROM Socket
Re: Ribbon Cable for Internal ROM Socket
I've seen cable mounted 'plugs' so a dip 28 with pins, but never seen a socket type. You may have to use a header and a small PCB to achieve this.
Re: Ribbon Cable for Internal ROM Socket
One with a plug one end and a socket the other end of the ribbon cable was just me being hopefulPr0f wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2025 9:33 am I've seen cable mounted 'plugs' so a dip 28 with pins, but never seen a socket type. You may have to use a header and a small PCB to achieve this.
But I can’t even find a header with a ribbon sadly
Re: Ribbon Cable for Internal ROM Socket
Thanks, but I’ve been a bit of an idiotPr0f wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2025 11:41 am I'm guessing you mean this sort of thing: ... media=COPY
I have a couple of Viglen Rom socket extensions for the bbc micro and am wondering if one of those will work in a QL?
Worse case I can cut the cartridge slot off one and that will give me the header with ribbon
Many thanks
Re: Ribbon Cable for Internal ROM Socket
I assume QL-SD (with the 512k flash Rom) isn’t available any more please?
Many thanks
Many thanks
Re: Ribbon Cable for Internal ROM Socket
Do you mean the QL-SD-ROM from Marcel Kilgus? He doesn't make them any more, but you might strike lucky and get a second hand one I suppose.t0nyt wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2025 3:35 pm I assume QL-SD (with the 512k flash Rom) isn’t available any more please?
Many thanks
IIRC, Tetroid made some form of multi-ROM or ROM switcher device, I hope I'm right saying it was him. I don't remember much about it, and obviously it's not so easy for him to sell them now with the situation in that part of the world.
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All things QL -
Re: Ribbon Cable for Internal ROM Socket
Thanks Dilwyn, yes it’s QL-SD-ROM by Marcel. Will keep an eye on eBay.dilwyn wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2025 4:40 pmDo you mean the QL-SD-ROM from Marcel Kilgus? He doesn't make them any more, but you might strike lucky and get a second hand one I suppose.t0nyt wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2025 3:35 pm I assume QL-SD (with the 512k flash Rom) isn’t available any more please?
Many thanks
IIRC, Tetroid made some form of multi-ROM or ROM switcher device, I hope I'm right saying it was him. I don't remember much about it, and obviously it's not so easy for him to sell them now with the situation in that part of the world.
In the meantime I’ll build a spare QL board back up to a bare working machine and see what happens when I plug in a bbc Viglen adapter (don’t want to risk it with my main QL’s in case it causes damage)
Many thanks
Re: Ribbon Cable for Internal ROM Socket
As well as eBay, keep an eye on
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All things QL -