OpenSource & Hardware RAM Expansion.
Lately I was thinking about to make 2 new memory expansions for my stocks QLs and developments. So before to use the direct work (great one) Alvaro A. I found useful to make some little changes in order to do not need to solder the jumpers every time I would like to engage or modify the boards.
That implies few things:
- No soldering skills would be needed for people who get a mounted expansion any more.
- It requires some extra care and read documents before to change jumpers configurations.
- The board is a little longer than the original one.
- You could get another expansion and combine it without** needs of soldering tools/skills.
Soon I will make public the Gerbers, it is just a remake from Alvaro work, but make it easier to use for final users. The board is a little longer but add some extra ground plane, shorter lines and easier use for not expert users. It's a intermediate expansion before what I am working on (something bigger
Tonight (probably) I'll order the first PCB bunch to test them. If somebody want one, could write here down his interest on one.
ONLY For people who have bought one MicroDrivePico from me before or developing open software or hardware for QL scene.
Anyone else, will have ASAP the Gerbers and code in my Github to make their own PCBs or distribute it.
- I'll give you a bare PCB for free. (shipping cost on you and doesn't matter to where)
- If someone want it with components will be just the cost of PCB unit + components cost + 5€ for soldering work. Of course I will test them in my QL firstly to shipment.
The list will be close as soon as I make the PCB order.
Gerbers and more details on my Github (updating in progress, till I have tested the PCBs).
Finally... thank you for all of you who create and work hard to give new things for the community, specially to those who do it OpenSoftware and OpenHardware (for love).
Here are some photos of the latest revision. Specially to Alvaro Alea for his recreations and work