Fast forward to the present day, and after chatting with said flatmate, we wondered (not for the first time) what we actually wrote back in the day, our memories oddly enough not prioritising the contents of our uni work. I still have the disks, but no computer, and frankly I've never been willing to pay £200+ for an Amiga just to find out.
And then yesterday I stumbled a thing called the GreaseWeazle (v4) - ( (software info:
At only £33 on eBay, I ordered one with a view to using it with my twin Power Computing QL drives (3.5")
And then, being the hardware numpty that I am, I suddenly realised that they may not be compatible. I believe the QL drives use the Shugart interface (they work with my SGC and SQB so... yes?). However, as they have a dual floppy ribbon with single connector, can I use them with the greaseweazle? Would somebody who understands the world of disk interfaces be kind enough to look at the pages above and let me know whether I can safely plug the drives' combined end connector into the interface without blowing up one (or both)?
Thank you

PS - this may be of interest for people doing software preservation generally?