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Some advice on using Tetroid

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 3:58 pm
by Haemogoblin
Just setup my Tetriod card in my QL, Rich Mellor helped in formatting it as I was having issues.

I'm a little confused as I thought I could drag and drop files from the PC on to the CF and read them on the QL. The whole point of buying it was so I could copy quill files over to the PC. But for some reason Windows is telling me the CF card needs formatting.

Is there some sort of software for reading / exploring XP file paritions?

Re: Some advice on using Tetroid

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 5:06 pm
by RalfR
Simply use QPC2. Marcels DEMO.QXL is enough to copy from any DOS directory to your subdirectory.

Re: Some advice on using Tetroid

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 6:51 pm
by mk79
The QUBIDE/Tetroid cards are not compatible with the rest of the QXL.WIN world.

Re: Some advice on using Tetroid

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 8:09 pm
by Derek_Stewart

You need to use the Habi Image editor, which can read and write Qubide partitions on a CF Card or SD Card.

This has been covered in other Forum messages, see ... 150#p17129

Also more information on the Habi editor can be found on Dilwyn Jones QL Homepage:

The information is at the bottom of the page, the Tetroid interface is actually originally designed by Jose Leandro.

I had this software transfering files under Windows 10. You just have watch the QDOS executable file header, which is removed by PC UNZIP programmes.

Let me know if you any help, I have all the same hardware.