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QL alive with Qubide and ROM switcher light question
Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 4:27 pm
by thesithlord
QL starts with an error message that win1 is not linked, independed if I start it with original ROMs or the new ROM with switches. Maybe someone or Tetroid

can help.
So first question why this error happens:
Second question (I know google is your friend), but maybe someone can give me a quick answer or correct command line why my 128MB DOM not beeing formated automatic.
Re: QL alive with Qubide and ROM switcher light question
Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 8:23 pm
by Derek_Stewart
You have create the partitions on the DOM, then format the partitions.
With these commands:
Win_format 1
Win_disk initialize,1
Win_disk create, 1,sizeinmega
Win_drive 1,1,1
Format win1_name
There has been a discussion on this already, search the forum.
You might want to read the QubATA manual as well.
Re: QL alive with Qubide and ROM switcher light question
Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 12:36 am
by jivrt
I had the very same problem with my CF cards, tetroid qubide an jm rom. Changed several times CF card and problem continued on and off randomly. I used the appropiate commands as Derek shows. The problem only went awsy using Tetroid’s CF card that is already formatted and loaded with programs. I’ve searched the forum and probable causes vary from corruption of partitions due to variations on the old psu to quality of CF cards to difference in roms. I changed the rom and the voltage regulator but for me its a mystery
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Re: QL alive with Qubide and ROM switcher light question
Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:49 am
by Derek_Stewart
I had the same problem with a QL with JM roms, I changed them to Minerva and all worked perfectly.
There must be a problem with JM.
Re: QL alive with Qubide and ROM switcher light question
Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:55 pm
by thesithlord
Thx for pointing me into the right direction, but now getting the error message disk full - damn

after win_disk create,1,1,128 same with less megabyte this DOM is new, never used...
Remove commend says: not found...
I tried every possible ROM, same result...
Here are the parameters of the DOM:
Capacity: 128MB
Cylinder : 500
Head : 16
Sector : 32
Total sectors : 256000
Re: QL alive with Qubide and ROM switcher light question
Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:42 pm
by Derek_Stewart
I have a 1Gb DOM, which was working on a similiar interface made by José Leandro, which used Qubide v1.56
I will fit the DOM to the Tetroid Version of the intrrface that runs QubATA.
I also use Tetroid Rom Switcher inteface.