These are to be given away free to users in UK/Europe (postage outside UK may cost more than the value of these cards though).
Just PM me with the name and postal address to send them to.
There are about 40 of these in total (I've claimed a couple for myself!!), so to ensure fair distribution (and to keep the packet weight low for postage) limited to 2 per person initially. If any remain after about a month the remainder will be given away on first come first served basis.
They are a random mix of 0.5GB and 1GB cards. I'll try to send your preferred size while enough remain, otherwise you'll get the other size. 0.5GB (or 512MB) is a pretty useful size for a QL system - the original Miracle Hard Disks were only a few tens of megabytes for example.
Some of them have multiple partitions on them, which makes them seem lower capacity if you just reformat them, e.g. the 1GB ones format to 691MB. If I get time, I'll remove those partitions with DISKPART and reformat to full capacity before sending them out, otherwise in Windows just look up help files for DISKPART and run it in a CMD window (Run As Administrator) to delete partitions one by one, then create a new primary partition and finally reformat them to get them back to full capacity. Sounds difficult, but trust me, most people know what I'm like with Windoze and even I got it right first time