Assembly Language eComic - Issue 4 now available

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Assembly Language eComic - Issue 4 now available

Post by NormanDunbar »

After promising, sort of, to get this issue out a lot quicker than the previous one, I seem to have failed miserably.

This is due to the usual excuses, plus, some family illnesses etc which I may have mentioned previously. Anyway, after yet many more months of the odd hour grabbed here and there, between work, driving, home life and so forth - did I mention Christmas, New Year and a holiday or two to boot - the latest somewhat exciting issue of the Assembly Language eMagazine is now available for download.

Point your browsers at ... ge_004.pdf (or wget ... ge_004.pdf) and all will be revealed.

We have 49 pages of articles on a wide range of subjects relating to Assembly Language on your QL (or derivative) including an article on the many new addressing modes available on the MC68020 processor. Oh, and the cover and chapter heading pages have been 'tarted up' a little too.

Happy reading and hopefully, the next issue will be out much quicker than this one!

NOTE: If JMS1 (John Saddler) is reading this, your mail box is full and this issue's emailshot cannot be delivered to you.

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Cheers, Norm.

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Re: Assembly Language eComic - Issue 4 now available

Post by Dave »

Is that why it says (C)2016 at the beginning? :D

If you get much slower, you'll publish it just as the (C) expires :P

You wish you'll live that long!

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Re: Assembly Language eComic - Issue 4 now available

Post by NormanDunbar »

Well, at least I know you [started to] read it Dave! ;)

I might get around to fixing that, next year, maybe!


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Re: Assembly Language eComic - Issue 4 now available

Post by janbredenbeek »

Thanks Norman, looks like I've got something interesting to read this week :)

regards, Jan.

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Re: Assembly Language eComic - Issue 4 now available

Post by Zarchos »

janbredenbeek wrote:Thanks Norman, looks like I've got something interesting to read this week :)

regards, Jan.
Seconded : thanks a lot.

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Re: Assembly Language eComic - Issue 4 now available

Post by NormanDunbar »

As promised in the ePeriodical, I've uploaded the assembly source file for ASMReformat. You can, if you have no wish to type in the code from the eComic, download it from ... format.asm. The utility was used to reformat it's own source code - if that doesn't do your head in! :D

It's also on github at if you are that way inclined. ;)

It assembles with GWASS which allows for MC68020 instructions - but I haven't used any of those, so it should assemble with GWASL as well.

It might assemble with QMAC, but I have a feeling that it might need a SECTION CODE somewhere in the front of the file, and an END at the end. It's been a while since I last played around with QMAC.

Have fun.


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Re: Assembly Language eComic - Issue 4 now available

Post by NormanDunbar »

It seems that I managed to upload a PDF file with lots of spelling errors and a couple of bugs in the listings. Sigh! I've taken the liberty of fixing the copyright date as well - thanks Dave. ;)

I have uploaded a fixed PDF, so the same URL as before applies: ... ge_004.pdf

I have also uploaded the source code for the ASMReformat utility - which might save you a lot of typing. You can get that at: ... format.asm

Or on github, if you prefer:

If you downloaded that yesterday, there are two bugs in it that I only noticed yesterday - they don't seem to affect the working of the code, funnily enough, but I'm almost certain that George would have spotted them and give me, rightfully, a hard time! ;)

Have fun.


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Re: Assembly Language eComic - Issue 4 now available

Post by Dave »

I know this is an irregular thing... If you'd like a capable reader and layman programmer to go through and just fix typos and point out areas that are harder to comprehend, I'd happily volunteer.

Also, I really appreciated the format and presentation. I know it took time, but it made it much more enjoyable to read. Thanks!

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Re: Assembly Language eComic - Issue 4 now available

Post by NormanDunbar »

Thanks Dave, I might take you up on that. Proof reading my own stuff seems fine - until after I send it out, then all those errors suddenly appear!

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Re: Assembly Language eComic - Issue 4 now available

Post by NormanDunbar »

The format I also like, especially the listings. Its not too onerous to produce now that I'm getting used to it. LaTeX is what I use for it - it's pretty much plain text, but great results.


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